2002 - 1 (January)

Articles in this issue

Historiography of the Soviet Period in Post-Soviet Perspective

Cold Wars Studies and New Archival Materials on Stalin

Pages: 1 - 15

Doing Soviet History: The Impact of the Archival Revolution

Pages: 16 - 24

The Cold War in American Soviet Historiography aand the End of the Soviet Union

Pages: 25 - 34

The State - Is It Us? Memoirs, Archives, and Kremlinologists

Pages: 35 - 51


Inner Simmering: Unveiling The Erotic in Kandinsky

Pages: 52 - 72

Mirror Writing: The Literary Traces of the Zertsalo

Pages: 73 - 93

Becoming a Russian Baptist: Conversion Narratives and Social Experience

Pages: 94 - 112

"Exsesses are not permitted": Mass Terror and Stalinist Governance in the Late 1930s

Pages: 113 - 113

Book review, by Gitta Hammarberg

The Voice in the Garden: Andrei Bolotov and the Anxieties

Pages: 139 - 140

Book review, by Laurence Senelick

A History of Russian Theatre

Pages: 140 - 142

Book review, by Vadim Rossman

Rozanov i Evrei

Pages: 142 - 143

Book review, by Ronald Vroon

The Futurism of Vasilisk Gnedov

Pages: 144 - 145

Book review, by Alexandra Smith

Voices of the Void: The Genres of Liudmila Petrushevskaia

Pages: 145 - 146

Book review, by Leonid Livak

Crossroad of Arts, Crossroad of Cultures: Ecphrasis in Russian and French Poetry

Pages: 147 - 148

Book review, by Barbara Henry

Twentieth-Century Russian Literature: Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsaw, 1995

Pages: 148 - 149

Book review, by Charles J. Halperin

Moskva i Orda

Pages: 149 - 150

Book review, by Martha Luby Lahana

Russia's First Civil War: The Time of Troubles and the Founding of the Romanov Dynasty

Pages: 150 - 151

Book review, by Carol A. Hart

Universitety v istorii i kul'ture dorevoliutsionnoi Rossii

Pages: 151 - 152

Book review, by Stephen Jones

Imperial Policies and Perspectives Toward Georgia, 1760-1819

Page: 153

Book review, by Valerie A. Kivelson

Possesed: Women, Witches, and Demons in Imperial Russia

Pages: 154 - 155

Book review, by Peter C. Pozefsky

Revolutionary Women in Russia, 1870-1917: A Collective Biography

Pages: 155 - 156

Book review, by Aileen Rambow

Das Russland zwischen den Zeilen: Die russische Emigrantenpresse im Frankreich der 1920er Jahre und ihre Bedeutung für die Genese der "Zarubezhnaja Rossija"

Pages: 156 - 157

Book review, by Kate Transchel

The Bolsheviks and the Bottle: Drink and Worker Culture in St. Petersburg. 1900-1929

Pages: 158 - 159

Book review, by Alexander Orbach

Rewriting the Jew: Assimilation Narratives in the Russian Empire

Page: 159

Book review, by John D. Klier

The Moscow State Yiddish Theater: Jewish Culture on the Soviet Stage

Pages: 160 - 161

Book review, by Jeffrey Veidlinger

Making Waves: Stories from My Life

Pages: 162 - 164

Book review, by Jeffrey Veidlinger

Stalin's Secret Pogrom: The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee

Pages: 162 - 164

Book review, by Nanci Adler

How it All Began: The Prison Novel

Pages: 164 - 167

Book review, by Nanci Adler

Return from the Archipelago: Narratives of Gulag Survivors

Pages: 164 - 167

Book review, by J. Calvitt Clarke III

Churchill and the Soviet Union

Pages: 167 - 168

Book review, by Galin Tihanov

Self and Story in Russian History

Pages: 168 - 169

Book review, by David Goldfrank

"A People Born to Slavery": Russia in Early Modern European Ethnography, 1476-1748

Pages: 169 - 170

Book review, by Peter Kenez

Rewriting History in Soviet Russia: The Politics of Revisionist Historiography, 1956-1974

Pages: 170 - 171

Book review, by Mark Clarence Walker

Institutions and Political Change in Russia

Pages: 171 - 173

Book review, by Andrew Spicer

A Fistful of Rubles: The Rise and Fall of the Russian Banking System

Pages: 173 - 174

Book review, by Carl H. McMillan

Foreign Direct Investment in Russia: A Strategy for Industrial Recovery

Page: 174

Book review, by James Alexander

Anti-Americanism in Russia: From Stalin to Putin

Pages: 175 - 176