1999 - 1 (January)

Articles in this issue

Popular Orthodoxy

"The Souls of the Righteous in a Bright Place": Landscape and Orthodoxy in Seventeenth-Century Russian Maps

Pages: 1 - 25

Miracle-Working Icons, Laity, and Authority in the Russian Orthodox Church, 1861-1917

Pages: 26 - 48


Samokritika Rituals in the Stalinist Central Committee, 1933-38

Pages: 49 - 70

Paradigm and Parable in Goncharov's An Ordinary Story

Pages: 71 - 86

The Return to Nature: Tolstoyan Echoes in The Idiot

Pages: 87 - 102

Recovering the Author's Part: The Serapion Brothers in Petrograd

Pages: 103 - 123

Review Essay

The Ideology of Martin Malia

Pages: 124 - 130

Book review, by Francis J. Thomson

Po tu storonu Sambationa: Etiudy o russko-evreiskikh kul'turnykh, iazykovykh i literaturnykh kontaktakh v X-XVI vekakh

Pages: 131 - 133

Book review, by Marcus C. Levitt

The Rise of the Russian Novel: Carnival, Stylization and Mockery of the West

Pages: 133 - 134

Book review, by Alexander Lehrman

No Place Like Home: The Literary Artist and Russia's Search for Cultural Identity

Pages: 134 - 135

Book review, by Donna Orwin

Chuvstvo zhizni i smerti u Dostoevskogo

Pages: 135 - 136

Book review, by Nicholas G. Zekulin

Nemetskaia literaturno-filosofskaia mysl' XVIII-XIX vekov v kontekste tvorchestva I.S. Turgeneva (geneticheskie i tipologicheskie aspekty)

Pages: 136 - 137

Book review, by Nicholas O. Warner

Creating and Recovering Experience: Repetition in Tolstoy

Pages: 137 - 138

Book review, by Ralph Lindheim

Chekhov and Russian Religious Culture: The Poetics of the Marian Paradigm

Pages: 138 - 139

Book review, by Milton Ehre

A Systems Approach to Literature: Mythopoetics of Chekhov's Four Major Plays

Pages: 139 - 140

Book review, by J. Douglas Clayton

The Chekhov Theatre: A century of the Plays in Performance

Pages: 140 - 141

Book review, by Yuri K. Shcheglov

Anna Akhmatova: Her Poetry

Pages: 141 - 143

Book review, by Julia Trubikhina

How Life Writes the Book: Real Socialism and Socialist Realism in Stalin's Russia

Pages: 143 - 144

Book review, by Valerie Z. Nollan

Contemporary Russian Satire: A Genre Study

Pages: 144 - 145

Book review, by David B. Miller

Russkie zemli v XIII-XIV vekakh:Puti politicheskogo razvitiia

Pages: 145 - 146

Book review, by R.E.F. Smith

Food in Russian History and Culture

Pages: 146 - 147

Book review, by Philip T. Grier

Romantics, Reformers, Reactionaries: Russia's Conservative Thought and Politics in the Reign of Alexander I

Pages: 147 - 148

Book review, by John W. Steinberg

The Imperial Russian Army and Navy in Finland, 1808-1918

Pages: 148 - 149

Book review, by Abbott Gleason

Social Identity in Imperial Russia

Pages: 149 - 150

Book review, by Jared Ingersoll

The Politics of Punishment: Prison Reform in Russia, 1863-1917

Pages: 150 - 151

Book review, by Richard Wortman

Reforming Justice in Russia, 1864-1894

Pages: 151 - 152

Book review, by David A.J. Macey

Between two Revolutions: Stolypin and the Politics of Renewal in Russia

Pages: 152 - 153

Book review, by Thomas M. Barrett

Naselenie Severnogo Kavkaza v XIX-XX vekakh: Etnostatisticheskoe issledovanie

Pages: 153 - 154

Book review, by Evan Mawdsley

The Bolsheviks in Russian Society: The Revolution and the Civil Wars

Pages: 154 - 155

Book review, by John Bushnell

With Snow on Their Boots: The Tragic Odyssey of the Russian Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I

Pages: 155 - 156

Book review, Timothy E. O'Connor

America's Secret War against Bolshevism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1917-1920

Pages: 156 - 157

Book review, by Jeffrey J. Rossman

Popular Opinion in Stalin's Russia: Terror, Propaganda and Dissent, 1934-1941

Pages: 157 - 158

Book review, by John D. Klier

Stalin's Forgotten Zion: Birobidzhan and the Making of a Soviet Jewish Homeland: An Illustrated History, 1928-1996

Pages: 158 - 159

Book review, by Ezra Mendelsohn

Bitter Legacy: Confronting the Holocaust in the USSR

Pages: 159 - 160

Book review, by Roger E. Kanet

Pariahs, Partners, Predators: German-Soviet Relations, 1922-1941

Pages: 160 - 161

Book review, by Barbara Evans Clements

A Revolution of Their Own: Voices of Women in Soviet History

Pages: 161 - 162

Book review, by Jacob W. Kipp

Avtografy Petra Velikogo: Katalog

Pages: 162 - 163

Book review, by Jacob W. Kipp

Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv VMF: Annotirovannyi reestr opisei fondov (1696-1917)

Pages: 162 - 163

Book review, by Jacob W. Kipp

Rossiiskii flot (1720-1917)g.: Bibliograficheskii spravochnik izdanii morskogo vedomstva

Pages: 162 - 163

Book review, by Michael Cox

The Communist Movement since 1945

Pages: 163 - 165

Book review, by David S. Foglesong

Anatomy of Mistrust: U.S.-Soviet Relations during the Cold War

Pages: 165 - 166

Book review, by Yury Polsky

The Soviet Union and the PLO

Pages: 166 - 167

Book review, by Mark R. Beissinger

Democratization and Revolution in the USSR, 1985-1991

Pages: 167 - 169

Book review, by Edwin Bacon

Russia First: Breaking from the West

Pages: 170 - 171

Book review, by Theresa Sabonis-Chafee

Nuclear Energy in the Former Soviet Union

Page: 170

Book review, by Thomas M. Nichols

Russia and Europe: The Emerging Security Agenda

Pages: 170 - 171