1992 - 28

Articles in this issue

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part One. Varieties and Roots of Nationalism


Pages: 3 - 8

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part One. Varieties and Roots of Nationalism

The Socio-Economic Development of the Republics of the Soviet Union: Trends, the Current Situation, Problems

Pages: 9 - 20

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part One. Varieties and Roots of Nationalism

Population Migrations between the Republics in the USSR

Pages: 21 - 30

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part One. Varieties and Roots of Nationalism

Unité politique et disparités démographiques - l'URSS jusqu'en 1991

Pages: 31 - 42

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part One. Varieties and Roots of Nationalism

Political Self-Determination of Nations and Nationalities in the USSR: from 1922 to Perestroika

Pages: 43 - 52

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part One. Varieties and Roots of Nationalism

Distinctive Features of the Multinational Nature of the USSR and the Problem of Political Representation of Nationalities

Pages: 53 - 64

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part One. Varieties and Roots of Nationalism

The Conflict between two Nationalisms: a New Soviet Experience

Pages: 65 - 72

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part One. Varieties and Roots of Nationalism

Soviet Economics and Nationalism in the Gorbachev Years. Regionalism, Ethnicised Regionalism and Constitutional Regionalism

Pages: 73 - 82

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part One. Varieties and Roots of Nationalism

Nationalism in a Post-Marxist World: Contemporary Reflections

Pages: 83 - 88

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part One. Varieties and Roots of Nationalism

Empires, Russian and Other

Pages: 89 - 106

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Two. Russian Identity in the Crisis of Russian Predominance


Pages: 107 - 110

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Two. Russian Identity in the Crisis of Russian Predominance

Russian Nationalism, Soviet Nationalism, Post-Nationalism

Pages: 111 - 118

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Two. Russian Identity in the Crisis of Russian Predominance

Russian Nationalism in the Past and Today

Pages: 119 - 126

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Two. Russian Identity in the Crisis of Russian Predominance

Christian Democracy: Antidote to Extreme Russian Nationalism?

Pages: 127 - 138

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Two. Russian Identity in the Crisis of Russian Predominance

The Russians outside Russia

Pages: 139 - 148

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Two. Russian Identity in the Crisis of Russian Predominance

On Interethnic Relations in Estonia

Pages: 149 - 160

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Two. Russian Identity in the Crisis of Russian Predominance

Russian-language Journals in the Central Asian Republics

Pages: 161 - 174

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Three. Transcaucasia


Pages: 175 - 180

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Three. Transcaucasia

Making Nations in Transcaucasia

Pages: 181 - 188

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Three. Transcaucasia

Russia's Transcaucasian Policies and Azerbaijan: Ethnic Conflict and Regional Unity

Pages: 189 - 196

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Three. Transcaucasia

Nationalism in Armenia and Azerbaijan as Anti-Colonial Movements

Pages: 197 - 202

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Three. Transcaucasia

Autour du Karabagh et du mouvement national arménien

Pages: 203 - 218

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Three. Transcaucasia

Azerbaijan: Views for the Future

Pages: 219 - 224

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Three. Transcaucasia

Undervelopment and the New Georgian Nationalist Movement

Pages: 225 - 236

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Three. Transcaucasia

La Transcaucasie - un Tiers Monde inconnu? Mal-développement et question nationale

Pages: 237 - 240

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Three. Transcaucasia

Rites soviétiques face aux rituels musulmans: une tentative de transformation par le pouvoir. Un exemple au Daghestan

Pages: 241 - 250

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Four. Central Asia


Pages: 251 - 256

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Four. Central Asia

Politics and Social Conflict during a Famine: Turkestan immediately after the Revolution

Pages: 257 - 278

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Four. Central Asia

Ethnic Dimensions of the Aral Sea Crisis

Pages: 279 - 290

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Four. Central Asia

Family and Tribal Structures and Social Conflicts in Soviet Central Asia

Pages: 291 - 300

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Four. Central Asia

Nationalism in Central Asia: its Forms and Historical Conditions

Pages: 301 - 312

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Four. Central Asia

The Roots of Kazakh Nationalism: Ethnicity, Islam or Land?

Pages: 313 - 334

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Four. Central Asia

The Central Asian Jews in the Post-Soviet Era: the Beginning of the End?

Pages: 335 - 340

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino. Part Four. Central Asia

The Impact of the Afghan War in Soviet Central Asia

Pages: 341 - 346

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino


Pages: 347 - 366

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino


Pages: 367 - 370

In a Collapsing Empire. Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union. Edited by Marco Buttino

Index of names

Page: 371