2005 - 1 (January)

Articles in this issue

Confronting Serfdom in the Age of Revolution: Projects for Serf Reform in the Time of Alexander I

Pages: 1 - 21

Kashchei the Immortal: Liberal Politics, Cultural Memory, and the Rimsky-Korsakov Scandal of 1905

Pages: 22 - 43

Preparing God's Harvest: Maksim Zalesskii, Millenarianism, and the Wanderers in Soviet Russia

Pages: 44 - 61

The Poet's Fatal Flaw: Venedikt Erofeev's Don Juan Subtext in Walpurgis Night, or the Steps of the Commander

Pages: 62 - 76

Down the Intertextual Lane: Petrushevkaia, Chekov, Tolstoy

Pages: 77 - 89

Ideological or Political Origins of the Lenigrad Affair? A Response to David Brandenberger

Pages: 90 - 95

Ideology and Politics (or Vice Versa)

Pages: 96 - 97

A Protean Look at the Russian Proteus: Puskin Studies in Its Maturity

Pages: 98 - 104

Two Russian Sculptors of the Twentieth Century

Pages: 105 - 111

Book Review by Jehanne Gheith

Women and Gender in 18th-Century Russia

Pages: 112 - 113

Book Review by Douglas Clayton

Pushkin and the Genres of Madness: The Masterpieces of 1883

Pages: 113 - 114

Book Review by Henrietta Mondry

Finding the Middle Ground: Krestovskii, Tur, and the Power of Ambivalence in Nineteenth-Century Russian Women's Prose

Pages: 114 - 115

Book Review by Gitta Hammarberg

The Imperial Sublime: A Russian Poetics of Empire

Pages: 115 - 116

Book Review by Olga Bakich

How It Was Done in Paris: Russian Émigré Literature and French Modernism

Pages: 116 - 117

Book Review by Andrea Hacker

O Khlebnikove: Konteksty, iistochniki, mify

Pages: 117 - 118

Book Review by Herbert J. Eagle

Sergei Eisenstein: A Biography

Pages: 118 - 119

Book Review by N.M. Lary

The End of St. Petersburg

Pages: 120 - 121

Book Review by Frank Farmer and Metthew McGarry

Bakhtin: Ethics and Mechanics

Pages: 121 - 122

Book Review by Adele Barker

Voicing the Soviet Experience: The Poetry of Ol'ga Berggol'ts

Pages: 122 - 123

Book Review by Herbert H. Kaplan

The Grand Strategy of the Russian Empire, 1650-1831

Pages: 124 - 125

Book Review by Rosalind P. Blakesley

St. Petersburg, 1703-1825

Pages: 125 - 127

Book Review by Rosalind P. Blakesley

The Bronze Horseman: Falconet's Monument to Peter the Great

Pages: 125 - 127

Book Review by Sergei Kan

Russians in Alaska, 1732-1867

Pages: 127 - 128

Book Review by Jean Chappe d'Auteroche

Voyage en Sibérie: Fait par ordre du roi en 1761

Pages: 128 - 129

Book Review by Chris J. Chulos

Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow, 1782-1867: Perspectives on the Man, His Works, and His Times

Pages: 129 - 130

Book Review by G.M. Hamburg

Rossiia koldunov

Pages: 130 - 131

Book Review by Roshanna Sylvester

Odessa Memories

Pages: 131 - 132

Book Review by Aaron B. Retish

From Fugitive Peasant to Diaspora: The Eastern Mari in Tsarist and Federal Russia

Pages: 132 - 133

Book Review by Michaela Pohl

Die Deutschen im Russischen Reich, in der Sowjetunion und ihren Nachfolgestaaten

Pages: 133 - 134

Book Review by Isabelle Kreindler

Russian Colonization and the Genesis of Kazak National Consciousness

Pages: 134 - 135

Book Review by Austin Jersild

Caucasus: A Journey to the Land between Christianity and Islam

Pages: 135 - 136

Book Review by Roman Szporluk

The Ukrainian Question: The Russian Empire and Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century

Pages: 136 - 138

Book Review by Roman Szporluk

"Ukrainskii vopros" v politike vlastei i russkom obshchestvennow mnenii (vtoraia polovina XIX v.)

Pages: 136 - 138

Book Review by Theodore R. Weeks

Nationalism and Orthodoxy: Two Thematic Studies on National Ideologies and their Interaction with the Church

Page: 139

Book Review by Nadieszda Kizenko

Converging Worlds: Religion and Community in Peasant Russia, 1861-1917

Pages: 140 - 141

Book Review by Wendy Goldman

Village Mothers: Three Generations of Change in Russia and Tataria

Pages: 141 - 142

Book Review by David A.J. Macey

Count Sergei Witte and the Twilight of Imperial Russia: A Biography

Pages: 142 - 143

Book Review by John Bushnell

Drafting the Russian Nation: Military Conscription, Total War, and Mass Politics, 1905-1925

Pages: 143 - 145

Book Review by Michael Melançon

Generaly, liberaly i predprinimateli: Rabota na front in na revoliutsiiu (1907-1917)

Pages: 145 - 146

Book Review by David Foglesong

Constructive Spirit: Quakers in Revolutionary Russia

Page: 146

Book Review by Donald J. Raleigh

V.M. Cherniv: Chelovek i politik. Materialy k biografii

Pages: 146 - 147

Book Review by Christopher Read

Dilemmas of Reaction in Leninist Russia: The Christian Response to the Revolution in the Works of N.A. Berdyaev, 1917-1924

Pages: 147 - 148

Book Review by Kimitaka Matsuzato

Inventing a Soviet Countryside: State Power and the Transformation of Rural Russia, 1917-1929

Pages: 148 - 149

Book Review by Choi Chatterjee

Small Comrades: Revolutionizing Childhood in Soviet Russia, 1917-1932

Pages: 150 - 151

Book Review by Jonathan Grant

"Poslednie iz mogikan: Krasnye kuptsy epokhi nepa": Materialy i dokumenty ob ural'skhikh kommersantakh 1921-1928 godov

Page: 151

Book Review by Peter Kenez

Stalin: An Unknown Portrait

Page: 152

Book Review by J. Arch Getty

Stalinist Values: The Cultural Norms of Soviet Modernity, 1917-1941

Pages: 152 - 154

Book Review by Norman M. Naimark

Der Rote Terror: Die Geschichte des Stalinismus

Pages: 154 - 156

Book Review by Shoshana Keller

Veiled Empire: Gender and Power in Stalinist Central Asia

Pages: 156 - 157

Book Review by Denise J. Youngblood

New Soviet Man: Gender and Masculinity in Stalinist Soviet Cinema

Pages: 157 - 158

Book Review by David MacKenzie

The Soviets, the Munich Crisis, and the Coming of World War II

Pages: 158 - 159

Book Review by T.H. Rigby

Cold Peace: Stalin and the Soviet Ruling Circle, 1945-1953

Pages: 159 - 160

Book Review by Milton Leitenberg

Biowarrior: Inside the Soviet/Russian Biological War Machine

Pages: 160 - 162

Book Review by Nicholas V. Riasanovsky

Istoricheskie issledivaniia v Rossii - II: Sem' let spustia

Pages: 162 - 163

Book Review by Jack F. Matlock, Jr.

On the Battlefields of the Cold War: A Soviet Ambassador's Confession

Pages: 163 - 164

Book Review by William Zimmerman

Coldwar Endgame: Oral History, Analysis, Debates

Pages: 164 - 165

Book Review by Allen C. Lynch

Russia, France, and the Idea of Europe

Pages: 165 - 166

Book Review by Margot Light

The Russian People and Foreign Policy: Russian Elite and Mass Perspectives, 1993-2000

Pages: 166 - 167

Book Review by Todd Foglesong

Organized Crime, Prison and Post-Soviet Societies

Pages: 167 - 168

Book Review by Alfred B. Evans, Jr.

Building Democracy in Contemporary Russia: Western Support for Grassroots Organizations

Pages: 169 - 170

Book Review by Sue David

Regional Politics in Russia

Page: 170

Book Review by Elizabeth Wishnick

The Russian Far East: A Reference Guide for Conservation and Development

Page: 171

Book Review by Roger D. Kangas

The Transformation of Central Asia: States and Society from Soviet Rule to Independence

Pages: 172 - 173

Book Review by Carl H. McMillan

Russian-Eurasian Renaissance? U.S. Trade and Investment in Russia and Eurasia

Page: 173

Book Review by Nathaniel Richmond

Vladimir Putin and the New World Order: Looking East, Looking West?

Pages: 173 - 174

Book Review by Thomas F. Remington

Putin: Russia's Choice

Pages: 174 - 175

Book Review by Alan Holiman

Totalitarianism and the Prospects for World Order: Closing the Door on the Twentieth Century

Pages: 175 - 176

Book Review by Anatoly M. Khazanov

Minority Ethnic Mobilization in the Russian Federation

Pages: 176 - 177

Book Review by Eduard Ponarin

Nation-Building and Common Values in Russia

Pages: 177 - 178

Book Review by Leslie Dienes

The Dynamics of "Real Federalism": Law, Economic Development, and Indigenous Communities in Russia and Canada

Pages: 178 - 181

Letters to the Editor

Pages: 182 - 183

Publications Received

Pages: 184 - 186