Social and Labour History News

An invitation to join an international project
Ann: reading room opening hours
Online reviews, August-September (in German)
News update, October 2007 (in Spanish)
Ann: the 50th anniversay of the novel's publication
New items on the IISH website in October
TOC: issue 2007:7 (Dutch text)
Ann: Michael Harrington Symposium
CFP: a conference in Wales, August 2008
Two book reviews (in German)
Two book reviews (in German)
Two book reviews (in German)
Three book reviews (in German)
Ann: Papers and Presentations
CFP: a conference in Vancouver, June 2008
Bulletin of the Fundación Largo Caballero (in Spanish)
Book ann: the Kate Sharpley Library
CFP: Loughborough University, Sep 2008