Social and Labour History News

CFP: ESSHC Labour History Network
Book Ann: Centre d'histoire et de sociologie des Gauches
Book ann: Bureau of Public Secrets
Ann: a symposium in NYC, 5 April 2007
Book ann: The Kate Sharpley Library
Ann: newly published downloadable documents
Ann: symposium, Tamiment Library, 23 March
CFP: ESSHC Labour History Network
Book ann: Dissidences
Call for applications
Ann: Sephis e-magazine new issue
IISH website items in February
TOC: issue 2007:2 (Dutch text)
Ann: a conference at the BDIC, 12 March
CFP: a series of conferences in France
News update, Feb 2007
Ann: film screening in New York, 9 March
Review: DenBeste on Ransel
Book ann: Canadian Committee on Labour History