On 12 October 2013, the European Labour History Network (ELHN) was established during a meeting at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam. ELHN is a network of European researchers in labour and social history. The forty scholars who gathered in Amsterdam, belonging to research institutions, archives and journals based in various European countries, felt the need to increase the cooperation among labour history scholars, share knowledge and (digital) material, create a platform for future collective research, and organize conferences and seminars. The network includes Europe-based scholars (professors, post-doc and PhD researchers, post-graduate students) but seeks to connect with scholars based outside Europe.
ELHN is coordinated by a committee that has regular meetings, usually once or twice a year, supported by the International Institute of Social History (IISH).
Researchers associated with ELHN are actively engaging in working groups focusing on specific themes such as factory labour, women's labour, military labour, maritime labour and so on. Approximately 20 working groups are or have been active within the network so far. If you are interested in participating please contact the working group coordinator.
ELHN organizes an international conference every two years, in close collaboration with a local organizer. The conference hosts a number of sessions organized by the ELHN working groups. Please subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates on the upcoming conference.
ELHN aims at collaborating with local and national labour and social history networks and can be a partner in European and international research projects.
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Minutes of the ELHN meetings can be found below.