CfP: Stratégies anticapitalistes pour le XXIe siècle. Penser le changement social avec et après Erik Olin Wright

L'anticapitalisme s'inscrit dans une histoire longue et prend des formes aussi variées que le capitalisme lui-même. Depuis la crise de 2008, le terme semble connaître un souffle nouveau. Un nombre croissant de mobilisations s’en réclament et dénoncent les méfaits du capitalisme en réactualisant d'anciennes critiques - économiques, politiques, sociales - ou en élaborant de nouvelles - féministes, écologiques, numériques, postcoloniales (Ancelovici, Dufour, Nez,2015; Della Porta, 2015).

CfP: “What is your take on violence?” On a crucial question of the international Left in its historical-political context

International Conference 

IHSF Vienna, International Rosa Luxemburg Society, Nord University

Vienna, 20-22 June 2024


Organization team

  • Dr. Florian Wenninger, Institut für Historische Sozialforschung (IHSF), Vienna
  • Charlotte Rönchen, MA, Institut für Historische Sozialforschung (IHSF), Vienna 
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Frank Jacob, Nord Universitet, Bodø, Norway 


CfP: Working-Class Anti-Imperialism, the Global Left and Beyond

European Labour History Network (ELHN) conference
University of Uppsala, 11-13 June 2024

Labour & Empire Working Group – Call for Papers

“Working-Class Anti-Imperialism, the Global Left and Beyond”

In the wake of the one-day conference “Working-Class Anti-Imperialism and the Global Left: New Directions of Study” held at the University of Bristol on 30 June 2023, our working group is eager to further explore the rich and complex questions debated on that day.


CfP ELHN Working Group Maritime Labour History


Dear colleagues
It is a pleasure to contact you to invite you to a new activity. The Maritime Labour History Working Group launches a Call for Papers aimed to send a proposal for panels at the Fifth ELHN Conference which will take place in Uppsala on 11-13 June 2024.

In this occasion, we propose to have at least four sessions, two of them in collaboration with other ELHN working groups.
