Conférence - débat avec Alain ROUX, auteur de : Le Singe et le Tigre - Mao, un destin chinois

Samedi 24 novembre 2012 à 14 h 30

Au Centre d’Histoire Sociale : 9, rue Mahler - 75 004 – Paris- (métro Saint-Paul) Amphithéâtre Dupuis – 1er sous-sol

Conférence - débat avec Alain ROUX, auteur de : Le Singe et le Tigre - Mao, un destin chinois

Alain Roux reviendra sur le destin de celui qui fut le principal dirigeant du Parti communiste chinois des années précédant la révolution de 1949 jusqu’à sa mort en 1976.

Divergences, Multinational Libertarian Review

No. 32 October 2012

Alexander Cockburn and the Radical Power of the Word, John Nichols

Farewell, Alex, My Friend, Jeffrey St Clair

The War in the Shadows, Chris Hedges

Gandhi, Luthuli, and Contemporary South African Nonviolence, Matt Meyer

How the Gun Industry Got Rich Stoking Fear About Obama, Jarrett Murphy

The Big Lie About Police Brutality, Dave Lindorff

America’s Real Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Amy Jaffe

Back to School in the Twilight of Capitalism, Ron Jacobs

Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Newsletter n. 11 - 5 novembre 2012


Un appuntamento per tutti | Centinaia di eventi, tra incontri con gli autori, presentazioni di libri, dialoghi, letture ad alta voce, mostre, spettacoli, seminari |

Martedì 6 novembre 2012 ore 12.00
Sala Weil Weiss-Biblioteca Trivulziana, Castello Sforzesco, Cortile della Rocchetta
Conferenza stampa di presentazione

Intervengono: Stefano Boeri, Achille Mauri, Piergaetano Marchetti, Carlo Sangalli, Marco Polillo, Alberto Galla, Stefano Parise

(Re)constructing communities in Europe, 1918-1968

CFP: (Re)constructing communities in Europe, 1918-1968. A venture into the discursive practices of community building - Ravestein (near Nijmegen) 12/13


Dr. Stefan Couperus, Utrecht University, the Netherlands; Dr. Harm Kaal, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands
18.12.2013-20.12.2013, Ravestein (near Nijmegen), Studiecentrum Soeterbeeck
Deadline: 01.02.2013

Survey of anarchist archives


I am an archivist and member of the Kate Sharpley Library and am doing a
research project into the history and current collection practices of archives
and libraries collecting anarchist material. I would very much appreciate your
participation in the below survey, you answers will help give me a much better
picture of the universe of current practices. Please also consider spreading
this questionnaire far and wide. The results of this survey and research will
be published and shared with all interested parties.

Archival transfers to South Africa

Copies of archival and audio-visual items from the anti-apartheid and southern Africa solidarity collection of the IISH will be transferred to South Africa. The archival transfer project is funded by the Dutch embassy in Pretoria and runs from October 2012 until April 2013. The main recipients will be the Archives of the African National Congress, the South African History Archives (SAHA) and the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory, both in Johannesburg.