Affiche-Action, quand la politique s'écrit dans la rue

Outil de communication graphique et plastique, l’affiche est l’un des supports privilégiés de l’écrit dans la rue.

Aujourd’hui très largement associée aux messages publicitaires, elle fut avant tout l’expression d’une parole publique forte. Nombreux sont les exemples qui ont marqué l’histoire : des affiches révolutionnaires de 1789 à celles de mai 68, les écrits politiques n’ont eu de cesse de recouvrir les murs de la ville, faisant de la rue le terrain d’affirmation de la démocratie.

Whose Archive? Whose History? Destruction of Archives at Ruskin College, Oxford

Dear all

Please read this important article by Hilda Kean about the destruction of archives at Ruskin College, pioneer of working-class education, as it moves to a new site.

Despite an offer from another archive (the Bishopsgate Institute) to take the material, it is being destroyed--some has already gone.

Der 17. Juni 1953 in Sachsen. Ursachen, Ereignis, Wirkung und Rezeption

BStU-Außenstellen Chemnitz, Dresden und Leipzig; Sächsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung; Technische Universität Chemnitz, Professur für politische Systeme, politische Institutionen 13.06.2013-13.06.2013, Chemnitz, Technische Universität Chemnitz ("Altes Heizhaus"), Straße der Nationen 62, 09111 Chemnitz
Deadline: 30.11.2012

Yiddish Letters

Yiddish letters can be found in several archives which were acquired by the IISH in the course of time. Some of these are from archives bought or deposited in the IISH after the coming to power of the German National-Socialist Party in 1933. The Institute was founded in 1935 to safeguard important archives and libraries of the leftist parties in Germany from destruction by the Nazis. Among these archives are that of the Menshevik leader Raphael Abramovič and the Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party.