Internationalismus, transnationale Solidaritaetsnetzwerke, Antifaschismus und Antistalinismus - Oct. 2012

Tagber: Internationalismus, transnationale Solidaritätsnetzwerke, Antifaschismus und Antistalinismus in den 1920er-und 1930er-Jahren - Europäische Willi-Münzenberg-Arbeitstagung


Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung (Potsdam); Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (Berlin); Åbo-Akademie (Finnland); Institut für Soziale Bewegungen der Ruhr-Universität (Bochum); Grundstücksgesellschaft Franz-Mehring-Platz 1 (Berlin); Bernhard H. Bayerlein; Uwe Sonnenberg; Holger Weiss 12.10.2012-13.10.2012, Berlin

IRSH, Special Issue 22, 2014: Labour in Transport: Histories from the Global South

Call for papers: IRSH, Special Issue 22, 2014: Labour in Transport: Histories from the Global South (Africa, Asia, and Latin America)

Editors: Chitra Joshi, Jan-Georg Deutsch, and Stefano Bellucci

"The omnipresent porter has become almost invisible - part of the scenery. History has relegated him or her to the background - to the 'enormous condescension of posterity' - like E.P. Thompson's English croppers, hand-loom weavers, and artisans."[1]

Henk Wals New Director International Institute of Social History

As of 19 November 2012, Henk Wals will be the new director of the International Institute of Social History. Henk Wals will succeed Erik-Jan Zürcher, who stepped down earlier.

Henk Wals has been deputy director of the IISH from 1993 until 2004. He studied Social and Economic History at the University of Amsterdam and entered employment at the IISH in 1982. In 2000, he gained his PhD with a study on survival strategies of construction workers in Amsterdam during the first quarter of the 20th century.

Archives 'deutscher Hilfsvereine in der Schweiz'

"Zum Wohl unserer Landsleute in der Schweiz und zur Ehre unseres Vaterlandes"

Die Jahresberichte der deutschen Hilfsvereine

Im Zuge der Rekatalogisierung der Berichtsliteratur sind wir auf eine Reihe von interessanten Beständen gestossen, darunter auch rund zehn Schachteln mit Jahresberichten verschiedener deutscher Hilfsvereine in der Schweiz (K 492, K 492 b, K 492 Z) und im Ausland (K 492 a).

Work, Occupations, and Labour Relations in Eurasia between 1500 And 2000

In recent years the field of labour history has expanded its scope of
research from an almost exclusive focus on industrial, blue-collar,
unionized, male labourers to include workers’ multiple, overlapping
identities as well as concepts like work, occupational categories, and
labour relations in a broader and gendered perspective. To this end, this
mini-symposium has two related objectives. The first aim is to highlight
the work of artisans, craftsmen, labourers, and the concomitant labour

Changing worlds of work: between the local and the global

Date: 3 December 2012 to 5 December 2012
Location: La Paz, Bolivia

At times, it may seem that our bread-earning labour and our life styles are local and national, but what we produce is commercialized in foreign markets, and what we consume in our local fiestas is produced overseas. We need to go beyond what is local and national to understand the broader and global aspect in the history of labour relationships and tele-connections between labour in spatial terms.