Berkshire Conference on Women's History

Call for Papers, Berkshire Conference on Women's History Histories on the Edge/Histoires sur la brèche
Toronto: May 22-25, 2014
Proposals due: January 15, 2013
(the Submission Site on the Berkshire Conference website is listed at the end of this notice)

The sixteenth Berkshire Conference on Women’s History will be held in TORONTO on MAY 22-25, 2014. The University of Toronto will host the first Canadian “Big Berks” in collaboration with co-sponsoring units and universities in Toronto and across Canada.

Sozialistische Sechziger. Transnationale Perspektiven auf die Sowjetunion und Jugoslawien in ihrem "goldenen Zeitalter"

Moritz Florin / Nathalie Keigel, Fachbereich Geschichte, Universität Hamburg; in Kooperation mit der Körber-Stiftung 07.02.2013-09.02.2013, Hamburg, Universität Hamburg, ESA-West, Raum 120

Nachwuchskonferenz an der Universität Hamburg in Kooperation mit der Körber-Stiftung, Hamburg

Unofficial Histories

Dear Friends,

Following a successful first conference in London in 2012, we're delighted to announce details and the Call for Participation for the second Unofficial Histories conference. The conference aims to explore how society produces, presents, and consumes history beyond official and elite versions of the past. The 2013 conference will take place in Manchester (UK) and this time we're making a weekend of it:

*Saturday 15th June 2013 will be a day of papers, presentations and debate at Manchester Metropolitan University, Oxford Road, Manchester.

GHI Fellowships in Economic and Social History; History of Consumption; and International Business History

FUNDS: GHI Fellowships in Economic and Social History; History of Consumption; and International Business History

The deadlines for the GHI's fellowships in Economic and Social History, Consumption History, and Business History are quickly approaching. I've included the text of the announcements below. Could you please circulate this announcement to inform your readers?

Bryan Hart

*Fellowship in Economic and Social History*

The Expatriate Experience: Past and Present

First Announcement: The Expatriate Archive Centre Symposium

The Expatriate Experience: Past and Present

11 April, 2013
Koninklijke Bibliotheek and Stichthage
The Hague (The Netherlands)

On its fifth anniversary, the Expatriate Archive Centre (EAC) has great pleasure in announcing a symposium on expatriation from a historical perspective and the role of private documents in research in the history of migration. See the attachment for information.