Sovietization of the Baltic States

The Sovietization of the Baltic States 1940-56
International Workshop
9-11 May 2003
Haapsalu, Estoniap

Call for Papers

After the occupation and annexation of the Baltic States in 1940 there started a long lasting process of sovietization until the regaining of independence in 1991. The goal of the workshop is to bring together scholars from the Baltic States, the West and Russia to discuss different aspects of the sovietization. The papers will be published later. Languages of the workshop are English and German.

Five sessions are planned:

Amadeo Bordiga

Scienza e politica in Amadeo Bordiga (1910-1970)
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Milano, 24-25 ottobre

Al Convegno parteciperanno relatori di tutte le nazionalità. L'iniziativa, che riceve i contributi del CNR, è patrocinata dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Storia e della Documentazione storica dell'Università degli Studi di Milano, dal Dipartimento di Filosofia Politica dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli e dalla Fondazione Amadeo Bordiga.

Free Speech Movement

The Tamiment Library is holding a reception on October 14, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. to celebrate the new book The Free Speech Movement: Reflections on Berkeley in the 1960s, just published by the University of California Press. The book, edited by Robert Cohen and Reginald Zelnick, contains essays from participants on both sides of the debate and reflections by historians. Speaking about the book at the Tamiment Library will be editor Robert Cohen along with contributors Margot Adler and Greil Marcus.

ESSHC 2004

Fifth European Social Science History Conference
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
24-27 March 2004

Call for Papers

The ESSHC aims at bringing together scholars interested in explaining historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences. The conference is characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by formal plenary sessions.

New Social Movements

Graag vestigen wij uw aandacht op de derde ODIS-workshop, met als thema

Historische en sociologische benaderingen van Nieuwe Sociale Bewegingen

Wanneer : vrijdag 22 november 2002

Waar: Congreszaal van de Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers en de Senaat, Leuvenseweg 21, 1000 Brussel

Een volledig programma en inschrijvingsformulier vindt u op:

Reinventing the Factory

Hagley Fellows' Conference, March 28-29, 2003
Hagley Museum and Library, Wilmington, Delaware
Call for Papers

The Hagley Fellows at the University of Delaware invite paper proposals for "Reinventing the Factory," the 2003 Hagley Fellows' Conference. Amy Slaton, Professor of History at Drexel University and author of Reinforced Concrete and the Modernization of American Building, 1900-1930 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001), will give the keynote address.