Communist Information Bureau

Adibekov, Grant M.: Das Kominform und Stalins Neuordnung Europas. Herausgegeben von Bernhard H. Bayerlein und Jürgen Mothes, in Verbindung mit Olaf Kirchner. Aus dem Russischen übersetzt von Beatrix Höhne, Ute Meltzer und Wolf-Ulrich Pradel. Mit einem Vorwort von Jan Foitzik. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang, 2002. 342 S. ISBN 3-631-36962-X, br. Zeitgeschichte-Kommunismus-Stalinismus. Materialien und Forschung. Hrg. von Bernhard H. Bayerlein. Band 1.

Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences

Call for Papers

As a new journal, the Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS), a quarterly publication (ISSN 1638-8831), has a need for high-quality manuscripts. Share your knowledge with Social Science worldwide by submitting a manuscript to Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences.

Our Editorial Board is committed to timely yet rigorous and fair review process.

Scottish Labour History

The Manuscripts Division of the National Library of Scotland is pleased to announce that a subject index to the Scottish labour history collections held by the institution is now available on-line at The index provides brief details regarding the subject of each collection and the reference numbers pertaining to it. In due course on-line access to the inventory for each collection will be available via the PDF format.

Southern Labor Archives

Reed Fellowship

The Southern Labor Archives, Pullen Library at Georgia State University is now accepting applications for its Merl E. Reed Fellowships in Southern Labor History. One or more fellowships of $250-$500 are awarded annually to individuals whose research in the Southern Labor Archives will lead to a book, article, dissertation, or other substantive product. In return, recipients will make a presentation about their research to the Georgia State University community within one academic year after receiving the award.

Tamiment Library

New York University Libraries take great pleasure in announcing the appointment of Dr. Michael Nash as Head of the Tamiment Library and the Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. Dr. Nash will join our staff on September 3, 2002.

Labour in Detroit

Heather Ann Thompson. Whose Detroit?: Politics, Labor in the Modern American City. Cornell University Press, 2001, x+295pp. Photos, notes, bibliography, and index. $29.95 (cloth) ISBN 0-8014-3520-X.

Reviewed for H-Urban by Wilbur C. Rich, Department of Political Science, Wellesley College. June 2002.

The Multiple Claims on Detroit