Sources of Radicalism

Sources of Radicalism - a major conference on the history of radical political, industrial, social and cultural movements - will take place in Manchester on 11th May.

There will be a wide range of topics discussed including Anti-fascism, the Irish in Britain, Women Trade Union League, the 1945 Pan African Congress in Manchester, the General Strike of 1926, 1970s radical press, contemporary trade unionism, politics and the internet, punk and disco music and Palestine.


A transnational project co-financed by the European Commission in the framework of Culture 2000 Programme

Project leader: Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico (Italy)

AMSAB (Belgium)
Discoteca di stato (Italy)
Institut CGT d'Histoire sociale (France)
Istituto per il lavoro (Italy)
Narodni filmovy archiv (Czech Republic)
Työväen Arkisto (Finland)

Enterprises and Institutions

Aveiro (Portugal) 15-16 November 2002

Call for Papers

The Portuguese Economic and Social History Association (Associacao Portuguesa de Historia Economica e Social - APHES) holds its XXII Meeting in Aveiro, on 15-16 November 2002.

The general theme of the XXII Meeting is "Enterprises and Institutions in Historical Perspective." However, following the practice of previous meetings, papers on other themes of economic and social history are welcome.

Stalinism as a Way of Life

Lewis Siegelbaum and Andrei Sokolov. Stalinism as a Way of Life: A Narrative in Documents. Documents compiled by Ludmila Kosheleva, Larisa Rogovaia, Lewis Siegelbaum, Andrei Sokolov, Vladimir Telpukhovsky, and Sergei Zhuravlev. Translated by Thomas Hoisington and Steven Shabad. "Annals of Communism" series. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2000. xvii + 460 pp. Includes bibliographical references, photographs, and index. $35.00 (cloth), ISBN 0-300-08480-3.

East-German Uprising of 1953

Christian F. Ostermann. Uprising in East Germany 1953: The Cold War, The German Question, and The First Major Upheaval Behind the Iron Curtain. National Security Archive Cold War Readers. Budapest and New York: Central European University Press, 2001. xxxvii + 451 pp. Index. $63.95 (cloth), ISBN 963-9241-17-2.

Reviewed by Ruud van Dijk, Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Published by H-German (March, 2002).