Popular Cultures in Ireland

The Economic and Social History Society of Ireland's annual conference will be held 8-9 November 2002, at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. Papers are invited on the theme of "Popular cultures in Ireland."

Papers should be on any aspect of the subject, and presentations will be approximately 30 minutes in length. Proposals of no more than 300 words should be sent to:

Dr. Maura Cronin
History Department
Mary Immaculate College
South Circular Road
Republic of Ireland

The deadline for submissions is 31 July 2002.

Enterprises and Institutions in Historical Perspective

The Portuguese Economic and Social History Association (Associação Portuguesa de História Económica e Social -- APHES) has approximately 160 members, for the most part teachers of economic and social history in Portuguese universities.

The Association holds its XXII Meeting in Aveiro, on 15-16 November 2002.

The Organizing Committee:
Joaquim da Costa Leite, chairman
Manuel Ferreira Rodrigues
António Ferreira Gomes

Sexuality and the Working Classes

The International Conference of Labour and Socialist History, known by its German initials as ITH, will take place in Linz, Austria, on September 12-15. This year's topic is 'Sexuality, the Working Classes, and Labour Movements'. The program is now available.

To obtain it, please contact:
Christine Schindler
Wipplinger Strasse 8
A-1010 Vienna
Tel +43-699-1158.7464 or +43-1-534-36.90.329
Email christine.schindler@doew.at

Regions, Nations and Globalization

Joint Meeting of the Business History Conference and the European Business History Association
June 26-29, 2003, Lowell Massachusetts

Call for Papers

On June 26-29, 2003 in Lowell, Massashusetts the Business History Conference and European Business History Association will hold their annual meetings together around the theme Regions, Nations, and Globalization.

US Department of Labor

This is to let H-Laborites know about my redesigned and greatly expanded Department of Labor history website that "rolled out" on May 6, 2002. "History@DOL" (for short) incorporates virtually everything from my previous history page and adds a lot of new material. The most important features of the site are research on DOL agencies and issues, and selected notable DOL documents. Included are a number of the published articles, conference papers, and unpublished monographs which my office has produced over the years.