Wisconsin Labour History

Just a note to alert those interested in Wisconsin labor history that we have been able to update our web bibliography with over fifty additional books and articles. In adddition to searching the bibliography by author, by topical subject, and by geographical place name, we have provided a separate list for the items newly added, so users will not have to review the entire list if they had looked at it earlier.

Here's the URL for the now-updated Wisconsin Labor History Bibliography:

Sexuality and the Working Classes

Sexuality, the Working Classes and Labour Movements
Call for Papers

38th International Conference of Labour and Social History (ITH)
Linz, Austria, September, 12 to 14, 2002

The International Conferences of Labour and Social History -- currently with 90 affiliated institutes -- have taken place every year since 1965. Their aim is international exchange and discussion of research on labour and other social movements. Conferences include researchers and research from Eastern and Western Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Indian Labour History

The V.V. Giri National Labour Institute published three new titles in the NLI Research Studies Series:

  • Tirthankar Roy, Outline of a History of Labour in Traditional Small-scale Industry in India, 53 pp (no 15).
  • Samita Sen, Gender and Class: Women in Indian Industry, 1920-1990, 57 pp (no 16).
  • Dilip Simeon, The Politics of the Labour Movement: an Essay on Differential Aspirations, 41 pp (no 17).

For more information:

Labor and Labor Movements

This newly formed section of the American Sociological Association has a web site at www.bgsu.edu/departments/soc/prof/mason/ASA with some excellent web links to Labor Journals, Labor Theory, Labor Libraries etc. Also publishes a newsletter, In Critical Solidarity, that in addition to info on the ASA, has a list of members scholarly work, resources lists and member exchanges on globalization.

Info provided by Kim Scipes (sscipe1@icarus.cc.uic.edu).

Working Class Movement Library


A Friend in Berlin has informed us that "a will has been made in our favour". We are grateful to all who have considered us and hope that more will in the future.


Volunteers are needed to help us compile mailing lists to send out invitations to our 'Student' Day at the Library. The event is to take place on Sunday, 4th November, 2001 and starts at 2pm until 5pm. Please contact the Library if you can help with the above.


Pit Women

Pit Women: Coal Communities in Northern England in the Early Twentieth Century
By Griselda Carr

Griselda Carr lives in Sheffield and was formerly a Lecturer in Social Studies at Leeds University

American Industrialization

Richard Franklin Bensel, The Political Economy of American Industrialization, 1877-1900. Cambridge, UK and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. xxiii + 549 pp. $64.95 (cloth), ISBN: 0-521-77233-8; $24.95 (paper), ISBN: 0-521-77604-X.

Reviewed for EH.NET by David L. Carlton, Department of History, Vanderbilt University.
Published by EH.NET, August 2001.

Economics, Politics, and Region in the Making of Modern America