Labour History of the Information Revolution

Call for Papers

The Information Revolution is considered by many to be an epochal shift in contemporary global economic, social, political and cultural history, comparable with the previous major shift of the Industrial Revolution. Scholars continue to explore and analyze the unparalleled rapid development of information and communication network technologies – most recently that of the Internet and World Wide Web.

Four from the Turati

The Fondazione di Studi Storici "Filippo Turati" (Florence, Italy) would like to inform about some of the latest volumes published in the Series Società e Cultura (Lacaita Publishing House):

  • Andrea Ragusa, L'Antitaliano. Dell'azionismo o dell'élite di un'altra Italia

In the series Strumenti e Fonti (Lacaita Publishing House) the following volumes:

IISH Archival Collections

Over the past few years the International Institute of Social History has digitized part of the finding aids to its archival collections. Over 400 of them are now online, in HTML or SGML format, or both. They cover the collections of Wolfgang Abendroth, Friedrich and Kathia Adler, Fritz Brupbacher, the Bureau Socialiste International, the Communist Parties of Bangladesh and Egypt, Fedor Dan, the European Trade Union Confederation, Jeanne Humbert, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the Labour and Socialist International, G.P.

Youth and Labour

Pacific Northwest Labour History Association
34th Annual Conference
Vancouver, BC, Canada
June 6-9, 2002

Advance Call for Presentations


The Pacific Northwest Labour History Association's annual conference…events offer a unique opportunity for trade unionists, workers, activists, students, educators and others interested in the rich heritage of the working class. Participants examine labour history, and about how this history links to todays struggles and circumstances.

Switzerland and the Spanish Civil War

Bien présente dans la mémoire collective suisse, la figure du volontaire de la guerre d'Espagne demeure peu explorée dans l'historiographie helvétique. Spontanément, puis de manière organisée, huit cents personnes ont quitté le pays pour s'engager dans la défense de l'Espagne du Front populaire. Si l'on rapporte ce chiffre à la population nationale, on obtient ce résultat surprenant: en dépit d'un cadre politique et légal particulièrement défavorable, la Suisse se place parmi les pays qui ont le plus participé à la guerre!