CfP: Ethnolinguistic cartography (18th–21st centuries) in comparative perspective: genre, political conflicts, memory

Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague), 14 - 15 October 2024

The workshop Ethnolinguistic cartography (18th–21st centuries) in comparative perspective: genre, political conflicts, memory, organised by the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences with the support of the Strategy AV21: Research programme Identities in the World of Wars and Crises, will take place on 14–15 October 2024 at the Institute of History

CfP: The Czech Workers in Vienna 1868-1918 (SKÖTH Conference)

Vienna, 26 - 27 September 2024

This year's SKÖTH conference will focus on the Czech workers who came to Vienna between 1868 and 1918 and lived and worked there. The focus is deliberately on the labour force.

During the Habsburg Monarchy, the imperial capital and royal seat of Vienna had a great attraction for people from all parts of the monarchy, especially those from the Bohemian lands. Czech-speaking people came in large numbers and shape and changed Vienna.

CfP: Defining Soviet Antisemitism. Everyday Jewish Experiences in the USSR

This edited volume seeks to situate antisemitism within Soviet society and the Soviet system by defining its characteristics and showing how antisemitism intersected with repression of non-Jewish groups. To complicate the more established history of Soviet antisemitism from above, we wish to elucidate the everyday lives of ordinary Jews in different regions and eras of the USSR.

CfP: Enfants et enfances dans l’histoire de l’Afrique (French)

Le huitième numéro de Revue d’Histoire Contemporaine de l’Afrique (RHCA), à paraître en juin 2025, sera consacré au thème « Enfants et Enfances dans l'histoire de l'Afrique », sous la direction de Kelly Duke Bryant (Rowan University, États-Unis) et Kalala Ngalamulume (Bryn Mawr College, États-Unis).

Date limite de l'envoi des résumés: 15 avril 2024

CfP: Why Socialism Matters? Approaches to Research of the Political Idea and the Historical Period

University of Pula (Croatia), 28 - 30 August 2024

At the end of August 2024, at the University of Pula, Croatia, we are organizing the 10th Doctoral Workshop, this year with the theme "Why Socialism Matters? Approaches to Research of the Political Idea and the Historical Period". PhD students in history and related fields are welcome to apply.

CfP: « Sound studies et histoire sociale : univers sonores des contestations (XIXe- XXIe siècles) », Dossier pour la revue Le Mouvement Social (French)

Depuis la fin des années 1970, les études sonores (sound studies) fleurissent dans de nombreux domaines des sciences humaines et sociales (Sterne, 2012). L’histoire n’est pas restée insensible à ce tournant sonore.

"Storia del lavoro nell'Italia contemporanea", di S. Gallo e F. Loreto (Italian)

Il lavoro come fatica individuale e possibile strumento di sfruttamento, ma anche il lavoro come leva di riscatto collettivo e di emancipazione: questo intreccio complesso e apparentemente contraddittorio costituisce il filo rosso che attraversa il volume Storia del lavoro nell'Italia contemporanea, scritto da Stefano Gallo e Fabrizio Loreto.