Strikes and Social Conflicts in Hostile Environments

Call for Conference Papers: “Strikes and Social Conflicts in Hostile Environments”, September 5-6, 2025

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: March 15, 2025 - EXTENDED DEADLINE

Seventh Conference of the International Association of Strikes and Social Conflicts

Co-Organized by

    The Arrighi Center for Global Studies, Johns Hopkins University and the
    International Association of Strikes and Social Conflicts (IASSC)


Shared Housing: New Approaches to Re-evaluating Everyday Life in East-Central and Southeastern Europe between the Late Eighteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries

This call for articles is aimed at surveying the field of housing to create a collage of the newest approaches and findings and consequently provide a state-of-the-art springboard from which to reflect on the dynamics that arose between people outside of public spaces and the less visible effects of the experience of shared living as a process and encounter on both urban and rural environments.

Images du travail, travail des images (n° 21, septembre 2026): Représenter les scientifiques au travail (French)

Responsables scientifiques du numéro : Jérôme Lamy (CNRS), Jean-François Bert (Université de Lausanne). Coordinateur de rédaction du numéro : David Hamelin

Proposition de dossier pour la revue Images du travail, travail des images (n° 21, septembre 2026)

9th Issue of "USAbroad - Journal of American History and Politics": U.S. Capitalism Beyond the New History of Capitalism

In the past two decades, the New History of Capitalism (NHOC) has been one of the most important innovations in U.S. historiography. Especially in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, this research field produced a vast literature that, focusing in particular on the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, has allowed to highlight the centrality of slavery in U.S.

Exploring the margins of administrative and police archives. New perspectives on social history (20th-21st century)

Paris, 30 June 2025

The workshop, organized with the support of the journal Le Mouvement Social, aims to shed a new light on current discussions about archives and address methodological and epistemological issues in studying marginalized individuals and groups. First, we aim to address marginality as a category of analysis. Second, we encourage reflections on cross-reading administrative and police archives with community archives. Finally, we welcome papers that focus on the materiality of archives.
