Shipping Pandemics – A Global Approach to the History of Maritime Health (18th-20th): First SHIPPAN workshop

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the crucial role of transport in times of health crisis, and the need for trained, responsive professionals. This workshop focuses on sanitary prevention and the practices of health professionals at sea, on board ships or in port environments. Over three centuries, the transnational approach covers military and merchant navies, both sailing and steam-powered, in ports on three continents.


PST: Pacific Standard Time – CET: Central European Time

n° 2 de la Revue d'histoire sociale: Les usages scientifiques du peuple (French)

Il y a plus de dix ans déjà, le philosophe Étienne Balibar estimait que la notion de peuple et ses usages constituaient « un sujet qu’on pourrait croire labouré en tous sens » [Balibar, 2013]. La thématique était cependant revenue sur le devant de la scène après la vague révolutionnaire du « Printemps arabe », comme le révéla la succession de publications scientifiques qui lui ont été  consacrées dans les années 2010 [Berns et Carré, 2013 ; Moreau, 2015 ; Goin et Provenzano, 2016 et 2017].

Wartime work (19th-20th century): Working in war and post-war context

Symposium at the University of Tours/France from 27 to 28 November 2025

The industrialization has profoundly transformed the world of labor and the nature of war. Wars themselves have become industrialized and have gradually increased in scale since the mid-nineteenth century. The Crimean War (1853-1856) and the American Civil War (1861-1865) were the first conflicts involving mechanized armies: more powerful gunboats, larger caliber artillery pieces and more efficient locomotives were all industrial products that made this change in scale possible.

Latest issue of Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques: “Forum on Modernization in France and Africa”

The latest issue of Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques has published! This is a special issue entitled, “Forum on Modernization in France and Africa”. 

Please visit the Berghahn website for more information about the journal:  

Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques  
Volume 51, Issue 1: Forum on Modernization in France and Africa.  
Edited by Amelia H. Lyons and W. Brian Newsome 
Table of Contents