Les Marxismes (French)

by Jean-Numa Ducange


Parmi les grands courants de pensée de l’histoire contemporaine, le marxisme occupe une place à part. Né après la mort de Karl Marx dans le contexte de développement des partis ouvriers, il est devenu l’une des idéologies les plus influentes du XXe siècle, revendiquée par des régimes politiques et de nombreux intellectuels de sensibilités diverses.

Workshop "Untangling the circulation of ideas: historical perspectives on dispute resolution and enforcement in labour law"

11-12 September 2025, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

This Workshop is organized by Johanna Wolf (Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory), John Howe (University of Melbourne) and Rebecca Zahn (University of Strathclyde). It is being financially supported by the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory and the University of  Strathclyde.

New Issue of "Images du travail, travail des images": Suspending work, marching in the street...

Photographers, video-makers and film-makers have readily taken an interest in street demonstrations, parades, marches and other gatherings. Sociologists, anthropologists, semiologists, historians, political scientists and other social scientists have done the same, the latter sometimes using iconographic material provided by the former. This issue of Images du travail, travail des images sets out to stimulate a meeting of minds, or at the very least, to encourage a cross-fertilisation of views.

New Issue of the Greek Review of Social Research

Published without interruption since 1969, The Greek Review of Social Research is the leading journal for the social and political sciences. The editorial board consisting of three EKKE researchers and two external social scientists is appointed by EKKE’s Board of Administration for a  period of three years and is responsible for the publication procedures and the standards of the Review’s scholarship. The editorial board is supported by a scientific committee whose role is advisory as regards the development and dissemination of the journal.