Masters of Health: Racial Science and Slavery in U.S. Medical Schools
by Christopher D. E. Willoughby
Medical science in antebellum America was organized around a paradox: it presumed African Americans to be less than human yet still human enough to be viable as experimental subjects, as cadavers, and for use in the training of medical students. By taking a hard look at the racial ideas of both northern and southern medical schools, Christopher D. E. Willoughby reveals that racist ideas were not external to the medical profession but fundamental to medical knowledge.
Big Flame: Building the Movements, New Politics
by Max Farrar and Kevin McDonnell
This book addresses the ideas and experiences of a small British revolutionary socialist and feminist organisation in the 1970s and 1980s.
Written by two former members, it sets out the organisation’s eclectic influences: Italian Marxism, libertarianism, anarchism ― and its complex relationship with Leninism and Trotskyism. Big Flame lost momentum in the early 1980s when many leftists joined the Labour Party. It includes a critical interpretation of Big Flame’s successes and failures.
Churchill and Industrial Britain Liberalism, Empire and Employment, 1900-1929
by Jim Tomlinson
This book offers a new understanding of the main economic and political trends of 20th-century Britain, through the lens of Churchill's early career and approach to industrialisation.
Why Does Labour Matter? The Past, Present, and Future of Labour and Labour Studies
Université du Québec à Montréal, 14-15 November 2025
In 1976 the Canadian Committee on Labour History (CCLH) launched its journal Labour/Le Travail, hoping to “foster imaginative approaches to both teaching and research in labour studies through an open exchange of viewpoints.” With the fiftieth anniversary of this event approaching, scholars, activists, unionists, and workers are invited to convene in the spirit of this tradition to exchange views and to consider new and renewed imaginative approaches to the study of labour and the working class.
Acronia: History of Anarchism and Radical Movements: "Decolonizing the History of Anarchism and Radical Movements"
«Acronia. Studies in the history of anarchism and radical movements»
Decolonizing the History of Anarchism and Radical Movements
Deadline for submission of the abstract (not more than 1,000-1,500 words and a short bio of the author): February 15th, 2025.
Revista Izquierdas (53): Luis Emilio Recabarren: Educador Marxista de la Clase Obrera Chilena (Spanish)
Rueda, María Alicia. (2024). Luis Emilio Recabarren: Educador Marxista de la Clase Obrera Chilena. Izquierdas, 53.
Looking back at the African Lefts. Call for papers for the Cahiers d’histoire. Revue d’histoire critique
Abstract: This call for papers from Cahiers d'histoire. Revue d'histoire critique focuses on left-wing activism in Africa, particularly that which can be considered as revolutionary, underpinned by anti-colonialism and anti-imperialism, from the 1960s, with access to independence, to the 1990s, with the implementation of a multi-party system and the imposition of structural adjustment policies.
Control and punishment devices: 3rd International Conference on History of Prison and Punitive Institutions
“Control and punishment devices”
3rd International Conference on History of Prison and Punitive Institutions
14 to 16 January 2026, Iruñea - Pamplona.
Universidad Pública de Navarra – Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa.