Port identities - Identités portuaires

Chères et chers collègues,

J'ai le plaisir de vous informer de la parution du dernier n° de la revue d'histoire Le Mouvement social comportant le dossier "Identités portuaires" susceptible de retenir votre attention et dont j'ai assuré la direction.
Bien cordialement.

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to inform you of the publication of the latest issue of the history review Le Mouvement social including the file "Port Identities" likely to attract your attention and of which I was responsible for the direction.

Kind regards.

Michel Pigenet


The press of political exiles in the Mediterranean (19th-20th century) : a practice of resistance?

Cagliari/Italy from 16 to 17 October 2025

The conference on ‘The press of political exiles in the Mediterranean (19th-20th centuries) : a practice of resistance’ will look at the periodicals produced by political exiles and refugees in the Mediterranean area, and more specifically in maritime and port cities, where this press had been published and circulated internationally.


From Warfare to Welfare? Resocialisation and Democratisation after World War II

Conference in Odense M/Denmark from 8 to 9 October 2025

The conference will focus on societal and political challenges to postwar societies after World War II. The aim is to discuss how and if former collaborators, refugees, resistance fighters and other groups were reintegrated into societies after the war, and to what extent new ideas and practices of welfare, democratisation and resocialisation in postwar Europe influenced these processes.