CfP: The Temporalities of Capitalism. Time, Timing and the Formation of the World Economy

The history of capitalism has attracted ever growing interest among scholars in the last decade. Several studies aimed for exploring the role of violence and imperialism for the implementation of capitalist economies across the world and studied the relation between state policy and economic actors. Others have expounded on the role of consumption for the establishment of industrial production, the increased commodification of everyday life, or the social embeddedness of economic interaction.

The Century of Sputnik and Chernobyl: Science and the European Left during the Twentieth Century

The international conference “The Century of Sputnik and Chernobyl: Science and the European Left during the Twentieth Century” will take place on 20-21 April. It is organised by the Centre for European Research at the University of Gothenburg (CERGU) and supported by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (F19-1548).

CfP: Langues de travail / langues au travail

Ce numéro d’Études en Didactique des Langues est consacré à la relation entre le monde du travail et les langues. Les expressions “langue de travail” et “langue au travail” recouvrent des réalités différentes. La première est une langue utilisée dans un contexte professionnel, de façon majoritaire (par exemple, à Airbus, la langue de travail est l’anglais). La seconde est utilisée pour effectuer certaines tâches telles que la rédaction d’un rapport, une notice, un article. 

CfA: “Domenico Losurdo” International Prize

The interuniversity research group “Domenico Losurdo”, belonging to the Department of Humanities of the University of Urbino, announces – together with the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, the Internationale Gesellschaft Hegel-Marx für dialektisches Denken and the journal “Materialismo Storico” – a contest for the assignment of three prizes for scholars and researchers, for authors of unpublished monographs, degree theses or essays concerning the thought, work and method of Domenico Losurdo.


CfA: Prix de thèse SFHU 2021

La Société Française d’Histoire Urbaine (SFHU) ouvre, pour sa 11e session, un concours de thèses qui s'adresse aux jeunes en histoire urbaine, ayant soutenu leur thèse durant l’année civile 2020. Par cette initiative, dotée d’un prix de 2000 euros, la SFHU vise à encourager de jeunes et à favoriser la plus large diffusion possible de leurs travaux (voir les archives du prix de thèse sur le site :

CfP: 1921-2021: 100 years with and without Kropotkin

Piotr Alekseevich Kropotkin (1842-1921) was one of the most prominent advocates of anarchism during his adult life, but also a famous intellectual and activist in Europe and further afield. In this centenary year of his death, we welcome you to join us for a discussion about his legacy, influence and relevance today. This conference will discuss his life and his work, but also his afterlife. Since February 1921, the world has lived without Kropotkin, but in many ways his ideas and his legacy persist. This conference seeks to specify, debate, contest, and carry on that legacy.

CfP: Cittadinanza e condizione dello straniero attraverso il prisma del lavoro / La citoyenneté et la condition de l'étranger au prisme du travail



Cittadinanza e condizione dello straniero attraverso il prisma del lavoro

Giornate di studio 2-3 luglio, Parigi

Association Française d’Histoire des Mondes du Travail – Società Italiana di Storia del Lavoro