CfP: Imperialism and the Political Economy of Global South’s Debt

Even before the health effects had been felt, the immediate consequences of the covid-19 pandemic in many countries of the Global South, were a drop in the prices of primary commodities, a shift in financial markets “sentiment” with an increase in "risk premiums" on their sovereign bonds compounded by a capital flight that contributed to the depreciation of their currencies. This context has once again sharply brought to the fore the issue of the Global South’s external debt.

CfP: Colonized Objects and Bodies in Europe: New challenges and new perspectives on the Decolonialization of Cultural Heritage

In both the ex-colonial and the ex-colonized worlds, visions of Africa and its colonial past have become incarcerated in stereotypes, dichotomies, and historical misrepresentation. Especially in European Cultural Heritage, we see a mixture of these ambivalent subjects and habits of lack of self-searching. But the restitution debate in Europe on cultural objects from Africa (Sarr/Savoy 2018) and the Black Lives Matter movement, which also reached Europe in 2020, have set the course for a questioning of the colonial essence of Cultural Heritage.

Archives de la Banque de France : ouverture du site Internet

Le fonds des archives historiques de la Banque de France comporte plus de 110 000 articles (boîtes, registres, photographies…) versés par ses services ou provenant d’établissements en lien avec la Banque de France comme la Caisse des Comptes courants, la Banque de Réescompte de la Sarre ou encore l’Institut d’Émission des États associés. Quelques fonds privés sont aussi conservés comme le fonds d’Argout (gouverneur entre 1834 et 1836) ou le fonds Rist (sous-gouverneur entre 1926 et 1929) déposé par ses descendants.

CfA: PhD-researcher “The embarrassment of riches? Inequality and the Dutch material culture. Amsterdam, 1581-1780”

Department: Department of History
Regime Full-time

We are looking for a PhD-researcher for 4 years. Your research is part of the FWO-project “The embarrassment of riches? Inequality and the Dutch material culture. Amsterdam, 1581-1780”

The project