Nordic Labour History Network seminars

During the spring 2021 Nordic Labour History Network (NHLN) will arrange a series of digital seminars on labour history.

More information and updates:

The seminars are in English. They are free and open but require registration. After registration you will get a Zoom-link about three days before the seminar. If you have questions or want to tell us about interesting subjects or lecturers, please send an e-mail to silke.neunsinger[a]


CfP: Temps libre / Temps du travail : rencontres, ruptures, articulations

Initialement prévu en octobre 2020, le colloque international "Temps libre/temps du travail: rencontres, ruptures, articulations", organisé par le groupe CIMMA (Constructions identitaires et mobilisations dans le monde anglophone) du laboratoire IMAGER de l'université Paris-Est Créteil, évolue pour se tenir à l'automne 2021 sous forme de séminaires bimensuels en ligne.
Vous trouverez le nouvel appel à communications ci-joint.
La date limite d'envoi des propositions est le 3 mai 2021.

Syndicalisme et service public de la santé (20e-21e siècles)

Le mardi 16 mars prochain, de 14h à 16h, l'Institut CGT d’histoire sociale organise, dans le cadre du chantier d'étude "Syndicalisme et service public", une rencontre autour du thème "Syndicalisme et service public de la santé (20e-21e siècles)" avec des interventions de Christian Chevandier, université du Havre et de Daniel Prada, ancien membre du Bureau confédéral de la CGT en charge des questions de santé.

CfP: (New Date) Las mujeres en Extremadura durante la contemporaneidad

Ante la excepcional situación actual que entre otras cuestiones impide el normal desarrollo de una investigación histórica (limitaciones de movilidad en el país, aforos limitados de archivos históricos, etc.), el Grupo de Estudios sobre la Historia Contemporánea de Extremadura (GEHCEx) ha acordado APLAZAR la celebración del XVI Encuentro historiográfico del GEHCEx.

La lettre d'information de l'Irelp

Le 150e anniversaire de la Commune de Paris a commencé !



Vendredi 12 et samedi 13 mars, aurait dû avoir lieu le colloque de l’IRELP pour le 150e anniversaire de la Commune de Paris.

D’obscures raisons sanitaires (les mêmes raisons qui ferment les universités mais ouvrent les classes prépas, qui ferment les musées mais ouvrent les métros) nous l’interdisent.

Leggere la storia del PCI

Nel 2021 ricorre il centenario della nascita del Partito Comunista Italiano. E’ un’occasione per riflettere e studiare quella vicenda politica, fondamentale nella storia politico-culturale italiana del Novecento. La Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna prevede una fitta serie di attività dedicate con particolare, benché non esclusiva,  attenzione alla esperienza dell’Emilia-Romagna.


Frontline and Essential Workers Face the Beast exhibit on view at the American Labor Museum

Frontline and Essential Workers Face the Beast exhibit is currently on view at the American Labor Museum.  The exhibit features original paintings of frontline workers by New York contemporary artist Steve Derrick.  Mr. Derrick used photos of frontline workers posted on social media to paint portraits.  He sent the completed paintings to the workers he portrayed as a way to thank them for their labor during these trying times.

Millions of men and women worldwide are part of the essential workforce on the frontlines of the Covid19 pandemic.

CfP: Karl Marx in his own times

The recent revival of Marx scholarship has shown his relevance to urgent present-day issues. It has sometimes been forgotten that in order to fully appreciate his work, we need to know how it related to issues and movements in his own time. Therefore, Nineteenth Century Prose invites papers for a special issue on Karl Marx in his own times. Contributions can attend to social conditions, movements, persons, texts, cultural and political events that made an impression upon him, as well as his impact on others. The deadline is 31 October 2021.