Revista Izquierdas (53): Luis Emilio Recabarren: Educador Marxista de la Clase Obrera Chilena (Spanish) Social and Labour History News
Acronia: History of Anarchism and Radical Movements: "Decolonizing the History of Anarchism and Radical Movements" Social and Labour History News
Looking back at the African Lefts. Call for papers for the Cahiers d’histoire. Revue d’histoire critique Social and Labour History News
Control and punishment devices: 3rd International Conference on History of Prison and Punitive Institutions Social and Labour History News
Images du travail, travail des images (n° 21, septembre 2026): Représenter les scientifiques au travail (French) Social and Labour History News
Imagining the Anti-Fascist City: Contested Geographies of Resistance and Solidarity Social and Labour History News
Industrial Democracy. Conceptualising and Experiencing an alternative modernity (mid-19th century-mid-20th century) Social and Labour History News
Shared Housing: New Approaches to Re-evaluating Everyday Life in East-Central and Southeastern Europe between the Late Eighteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries Social and Labour History News
60th ITH Conference: Workers and Worldmaking: Labor in the Era of Decolonization Social and Labour History News