Travail en temps de guerre (XIXᵉ-XXᵉ s.) - Travailler en conflit et en sortie de conflit (French) Social and Labour History News
Political Objects on the Move: For a Material History of Politics in the Long 19th Century (special issue of "Contemporanea. Rivista di storia dell’800 e del ’900") Social and Labour History News
15th Conference of the 'Genealogies of Memory': What remains from the Second World War? Remnants, Memories and Narratives Revisited Social and Labour History News
Futures of Socialism ‘Modernisation', the Labour Party, and the British Left, 1973–1997 Social and Labour History News
New Issue of "Images du travail, travail des images": Suspending work, marching in the street... Social and Labour History News
Workshop "Untangling the circulation of ideas: historical perspectives on dispute resolution and enforcement in labour law" Social and Labour History News