Click here for conference report at H-Soz-Kult by Lukas Neissl and Susan Zimmerman
On 3-4 March 2017, the Global Labour History Network (GLHN) realised its first conference in NOIDA near to Delhi, India.
The first conference of the network brought together about 30 labour historians from 14 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and North and South America. It was hosted by the Association of Indian Labour Historians (AILH) and the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute (VVGNLI) and took place in the VVGNLI premises in NOIDA, in the vicinity of Delhi. The aim of this first GLHN Conference was to foster exchange on activities in the field of labour history in the different world regions and to discuss possibilities for future cooperation.
In five sessions 20 speakers presented an overview of the situation of labour history in their respective regions or highlighted special aspects of labour history research. This included contributions from India, several European countries, Brasil, Japan, Canada, China, Senegal and the US.
In the closing session the conference elected a steering committee of the GLHN, consisting of Marcelo Badaró Mattos (Brazil), Longhau Cui (China), Kazue Enoki (Japan), Babacar Fall (Senegal), Aruna Magier (USA), Silke Neunsinger (Sweden) and Joan Sangster (Canada), as well as two senior advisors, Andreas Eckert (Germany) and Marcel van der Linden (The Netherlands).
The second GLHN Conference is planned for 2019 or 2020 in Saint-Louis/Senegal, with a possible small preparatory conference in conjunction with an ITH Conference in Linz/Austria.
[This summary kind thanks to Lukas Neissl.]