2000 - 78 (May)

Articles in this issue

Working Lives in Regional Australia: Labour History and Local History

Pages: 1 - 6

Like a Bicycle, Forever Teetering Between Individualism and Collectivism: Considering Community in Relation to Labour History

Pages: 7 - 32

Women's Work in a Rural Community: Dungog and the Upper Williams Valley, 1880-1900

Pages: 33 - 52

Localism and Labour: Lithgow 1869-1932

Pages: 53 - 70

A Time 'the like of which was never before experienced': Changing Community Loyalties in Ipswich, 1900-12

Pages: 71 - 93

The 'Place' of Politics: Class and Localist Politics at Port Kembla, 1900-30

Pages: 94 - 115

A City to Struggle in: Wagga Wagga and Labour, 1940-75

Pages: 116 - 140

Making A 'Union Town': Class, Gender and Consumption in Inter-War Broken Hill

Pages: 116 - 140

Making A 'Union Town': Class, Gender and Consumption in Inter-War Broken Hill

Pages: 141 - 154

Community, Class and Comparison in Labour History

Pages: 155 - 162

Job Control and Commonwealth Industrial Relations Policy: the 1920-21 Strike and Lockout of the Federated Marine Stewards and Pantrymen's Association

Pages: 163 - 178

The Senator Sam Cohen Affair: Soviet Anti-Semitism, the ALP and the 1961 Federal Election

Pages: 179 - 197

Heritage Report

The Cold War Goes Underground: the Kelvedon Hatch Nuclear Bunker, 1952-92

Pages: 198 - 200

Conference Reports

'Labour and Community': the Sixth National Conference of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, Wollongong

Pages: 201 - 203

Labour History in Australia Since 1975: A Retrospective and a Look Forward, Canberra Region Branch Conference, ASSLH, 4-5 December 1999

Pages: 204 - 205


Daphne Gollan: Historian, Feminist and Participatory Democrat

Pages: 206 - 208

Book Review by J.W. Shaw

The Mitrokin Archive

Pages: 209 - 211

Book review, by J.W. Shaw

Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War

Pages: 209 - 211

Book Review by Tom Sheridan

A Life on the Left: A Biography of Clyde Cameron

Pages: 211 - 213

Book Review by Carol Johnson

Celebrities, Culture and Cyberspace: the Light on the Hill in a Postmodern World

Pages: 213 - 214

Book Review by John Uhr

Collaborative Federalism: Economic Reforms in Australia in the 1990s

Pages: 214 - 216

Book Review by Wendy Brady

The Resurgence of Racism: Howard, Hanson and the Race Debate

Pages: 216 - 217

Book Review by Michael Williams

'Many Inventions': The Chinese in the Rocks 1890-1930

Pages: 217 - 219

Book Review by Robert W. Cherny

Organizing the Shipyards: Union Strategy in Three Northeast Ports, 1933-1945

Pages: 219 - 221

Book Review by Joe Rich

Manufacturing the Future

Pages: 221 - 222

Book Review by Tony Harris

The Gayndah Communes: From Aborigines and Squatters through Communes to Rural Depopulation in the Gayndah Area

Pages: 223 - 224

Book Review by Jill Roe

The Labour of Loss: Mourning, Memory and Wartime Bereavement in Australia

Pages: 224 - 226

Book Review by Caleb Williams

Green Bans, Red Union: Environmental Activism and the New South Wales Builders Labourers' Federation

Pages: 226 - 228

Book note by Greg Patmore

For Working Class Culture in Canada: A Selection of Colin McKay's Writings on Sociological and Political Economy, 1897-1939

Pages: 228 - 229