Les Guerres Civiles Grecques (1943-1949)

La conférence–débat du samedi 21 mai 2016

au CERMTRI, 28 rue des Petites-Ecuries – Paris 10° (M° Château d'eau)

avec Christophe CHICLET,
membre du Comité de rédaction de la revue Confluences Méditerranée et auteur entre autres de Les communistes grecs dans la guerre. Histoire du Parti communiste de Grèce de 1940 à 1950. (Paris, L’Harmattan, 1987.)


150 years of the Manchester and Salford Trades Council

A new exhibition at the Library, To Make That Future Now!, celebrates the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Manchester and Salford Trades Council.

For 150 years the Trades Council has fought, not only for socialism and trade union rights, but also against injustices such as poverty, discrimination and unemployment - and, as two separate institutions since 1975, it still carries on the struggle.

Open Wednesdays to Fridays 1-5pm and the first Saturday in May, June and July 10am-4pm. The exhibition runs until 26 August.

Cursed Capital: The Economic Impact of the Transatlantic Slave Trade on Walcheren around 1770

On May 10th, Gerhard de Kok (Leiden University) will give a lecture on: “Cursed Capital: The Economic Impact of the Transatlantic Slave Trade on Walcheren around 1770”

Date: May 10th, 2016
Time: 12.30-14.00 hrs
Place: room C76, Leeuwenborch

This lecture is part of the monthly RHI Seminar series. In principle, seminars take place every second Tuesday of the month. The seminar is open to the public, but with regard to accommodation and distribution of the paper in advance, we would like you to give notice of attention to the RHI Secretariat.

Jacques Giele, Rond de Eerste (Socialistische) Internationale / Around the First (Socialist) International

Uitgave: Rond de Eerste (Socialistische) Internationale. Bundeling artikelen J.J. Giele over de tijd rond 1870 en aanverwante onderwerpen met een inleiding van Johan Frieswijk. Toegang vrij, aanmelden via info@onvoltooidverleden.nl

Sprekers: Johan Frieswijk, Dennis Bos, Bert Altena en Frank Rutten.
Dagvoorzitter: Marten Buschman. Uitgever: Jaap van der Laan (Kelderuitgeverij)

Koop COOP / Buy COOP

Expo: Koop COOP!

Amsab-ISG maakte een selectie van foto’s, films, cartoons, publiciteit over de coöperatieve winkels in de jaren 1950, 1960. Vanaf 1 mei te bezichtigen in de Samen Sterker Store aan de Vrijdagmarkt te Gent.

Funded PhDs / Social Movements (University of Aberdeen)

Below please find information on funded PhDs at University of Aberdeen in IN CITIZENSHIP, CIVIL SOCIETY AND RULE OF LAW (CISRUL). Prospective students wanting to study social movements can apply. They can also cross list this funding with the Elphinstone projects listed here: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/cass/graduate/find-a-phd-510.php. Successful applicants under the CISRUL scheme will have a full stipend £14,296 per annum. Those applying under Elphinstone can apply for a fee waiver.

"Nous avons dû nous battre!" Archives sonores du mouvement syndical

Rencontre-débat, Uni-Mail, Genève.

Mardi 10 mai 2016, 18h30-22h00

salle MR 160

Une soirée organisée par le Collège du travail et l'Equipe de didactique de l’histoire et de la citoyenneté (EDHICE, Université de Genève), en collaboration avec le syndicat Unia. 

Première partie


18h30-18h45 Présentation de la numérisation et de l’inventaire des archives sonores du Collège du travail
Patrick Auderset, coordinateur du Collège du travail
Tamara Katz, archiviste et historienne