Mesa Redonda: Arte y compromiso político
Mesa Redonda: Arte y compromiso político | Lunes, 7.03.2016 – 10.30 h.
Biblioteca María Zambrano
Calle del Profesor Aranguren, s/n, 28040 - Madrid
See the attached program!
Mesa Redonda: Arte y compromiso político | Lunes, 7.03.2016 – 10.30 h.
Biblioteca María Zambrano
Calle del Profesor Aranguren, s/n, 28040 - Madrid
See the attached program!
On March 8th, Angélique Janssens (Radboud University) will give a lecture on: Labouring lives. Women, work and the demographic transition in the Netherlands, 1880-1960
Date: March 8th, 2016
Time: 12.30-14.00 hrs
Place: room C68, Leeuwenborch
11e jaargang, nr. 2, februari 2016
Nacht van de Geschiedenis 2016
Amsab-ISG, het Liberaal Archief en de Vlaamse Geschiedkundige Kring nodigen u graag uit op de Nacht van de Geschiedenis: 'Over klassenverschillen aan tafel en gedeelde muzieksmaak'.
Gespreksavond: 'Wat zoudt gij zonder 't werkvolk zijn?'
Het Masereelfonds Gent nodigt je uit op een gespreksavond met Jaak Brepoels, over zijn - geactualiseerde - boek Wat zoudt gij zonder 't werkvolk zijn?
1917 was an important year for historical change on a global scale - not only due to the American entry into the War and the Russian Revolution. The year can rightly be considered the turning point of the First World War and the foundations for the decisive structures of the short 20th century. Contemporary observers recognized these global connections very well. But in the historiography limited to the Nation State these global connections did not matter for decades. This has changed during recent years.
Radical Women, 1880-1914 - call for papers for a one-day public conference at the Working Class Movement Library (Salford, UK)
The Library is delighted to issue a call for papers for a conference to be held here on Saturday 17 September.
Keynote Speakers:
Professor Sheila Rowbotham, Manchester University
Professor Karen Hunt, Keele University
We would like to invite your students to participate in the next edition of ‘Global Histories: A Student Journal’. For this edition, we are seeking articles of between 5000 and 7000 words on the topic of migration from a global history perspective.
We are looking for papers considering migration from all time periods and geographic regions. We are happy to discuss proposals and/or abstracts, but please send them well in advance of the final deadline, the 31st April 2016.
FICEDL is the Fédération internationale des centres d’études et de documentation libertaires. It unites archives and libraries from around the world. It began in Marseille in 1979 and since then it has met periodically in different places.
The meeting articulates in two days.
Saturday 9 April
11am: Meetings and greetings followed by lunch provided by Berneri
3pm: Introductory meeting, participatory organisations will have a chance to introduce themselves and what they do, current projects and future plans.
On 25 February 2016 the seventy-fifth anniversary of the February Strike will be commemorated in front of the synagogue and the Dokwerker [Dockworker] Monument in Amsterdam. Exactly seventy-five years ago, on 25 February 1941, a general strike broke out in Amsterdam in protest at the German occupation and persecution of the Jews. It was commemorated for the first time in 1946, and then in every subsequent year.
The struggle for self-determination and independence of Portuguese colonies benefited from an international solidarity promoted by different entities, namely governments, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations, such as churches, trade unions or political, student and women's organizations. The solidarity was instigated by different ideological commitments across the national boundaries and aimed different goals.
Journal de la BDIC - la bibliothèque de documentation internationale contemporaine & ses lecteurs
N°40 - Février 2016
Page 1. Internationales graphiques
Page 2. Le mot des lecteurs : Former les lecteurs de licence d’histoire à l’usage et à la fabrication de la source orale
Page 3. Suivre la BDIC sur les réseaux sociaux
Pages 4 et 5. Exposition : Internationales graphiques. Collections d’affiches politiques 1979-1990