Digging the Seam: the 1984/5 Miners' Strike

(Please circulate news of the conference. The convenors are are particularly interested in archival collections and how archives preserve and construct histories of the strike.)

Digging the Seam
Cultural Reflections and the Consequences of the 1984/5 Miners' Strike
Conference 25-27th March 2010.

Papers, panels, screenings, performances and exhibition materials are invited for a conference to be held at the University of Leeds on March 25-27, 2010.

L'Autunno caldo del 1969

L'Autunno caldo del 1969. Una stagione memorabile di lotte e conquiste operaie.

La Fondazione Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico in collaborazione con la Cattedra di Storia Contemporanea della Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione dell'Università Roma Tre dedicano un'importante iniziativa a uno dei periodi storici più rilevanti della storia d'Italia per le conquiste dei diritti dei lavoratori: la stagione delle lotte sindacali e operaie nel 1969, l'Autunno caldo.

Labor and Immigration

Southwest Labor Studies Association
36th Annual Conference May 7-8, 2010
University of California, Santa Cruz

Call for papers, workshops and presentations

Labor and Immigration: Past and Present

Featuring: Plenary Sessions on Labor and U.S. Immigration Policy and on Immigrant Worker Organizing in Silicon Valley and the Monterey Bay area

A Century+ of May Days

A Century+ of May Days: Labor and Social struggles International Conference

In Chicago during May Day weekend 2010, there will be a conference to discuss, debate and analyze labor and social struggles- both past and present.

Call for Papers, workshop and panel proposals*

Nuevo Topo

Nuevo Topo. Revista de Historia y Pensamiento Crítico (Argentina)

No. 6 - Setiembre Octubre 2009.

Dossier: Intelectuales e izquierda en América Latina
Artículo: Hegemonía, lucha de clases y estado
Encuesta: ¿Existe una dimensión racial o étnica desatendida en la investigación social?
Perfiles: Nicos Poulantzas
Crítica de libros: Teorías e historias del movimiento obrero (Van der Linden, Womack, Acha, Gordillo y James).

185 paginas.
