Social and Labour History News

CFP 49th Linz Conference, 12-15/09/2013
CFP LAWCHA National Conference, June 6-8, 2013 New York City
Call for Applications
CFP: 10th Summer School in British History on New Trends in Research on Poverty and Social Policy in Britain - München 07/12
Conf. report of Società Italiana per la Storia del Lavoro – SISLav, 01.05.2012
Conf. Ann. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 15.06.2012-16.06.2012, Berlin
Exhibition, Budapest, 31 May - 29 July
Conference, 5-6 May 2012, Potsdam (English text)
Newsletter, TOC (Spanish text)
Study day, Torino, 30 May (Italian text)
Book presentation, Amsterdam, 30 May (Dutch text)