Social and Labour History News

Review: Scheuzger on Hollensteiner (in German)
Review: Felter-Kerley on Chenut
CFP: a conference in Santa Barbara, Jan 2009
Ann: a conference in Düsseldorf, 25 June
Review: Leonard on Hodges
Review: Luckin on Bronstein
News update, June 2008
Online reviews, April 2008 (in German)
New items on the IISH website in May 2008
Ann: a seminar in Amsterdam, 4-6 June
TOC: vol 44/2
Ann: a symposium in Sydney, 20 June 2008
TOC: issue 2008:5 (Dutch text)
CFP: a conference on ILO history in 2009
Ann: a workshop in München
CFP: a panel for the American Society of Environmental History
CFP: a symposium in Sydney, 10 Nov 2008
Ann: IISH director new Academy member