CfP: 1921-2021: 100 years with and without Kropotkin

Piotr Alekseevich Kropotkin (1842-1921) was one of the most prominent advocates of anarchism during his adult life, but also a famous intellectual and activist in Europe and further afield. In this centenary year of his death, we welcome you to join us for a discussion about his legacy, influence and relevance today. This conference will discuss his life and his work, but also his afterlife. Since February 1921, the world has lived without Kropotkin, but in many ways his ideas and his legacy persist. This conference seeks to specify, debate, contest, and carry on that legacy.

CfP: Cittadinanza e condizione dello straniero attraverso il prisma del lavoro / La citoyenneté et la condition de l'étranger au prisme du travail



Cittadinanza e condizione dello straniero attraverso il prisma del lavoro

Giornate di studio 2-3 luglio, Parigi

Association Française d’Histoire des Mondes du Travail – Società Italiana di Storia del Lavoro


SARABANDA 2021, the new research and events programme by Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Digital opening of SARABANDA 2021, the new research and events programme by Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, on Tuesday 30th March at 6.30pm (CET). 


Institutional greetings
Carlo Feltrinelli, President Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
Dario Franceschini, Minister of Cultural Heritage
Maria Cristina Messa, Minister of University and Research. 


Call for papers for the 51st Annual Conference of the IALHI “Youth movements as political and social actors in past and present”


Swiss Social Archives, Zurich, Switzerland

September 8-11, 2021

Youth movements as political and social actors in past and present


Call for papers

CfP: Microhistories of Socialism

Since 2015, every year at the end of summer, in Pula we organise a workshop for PhD students in history and related fields. Even last year we succeeded in doing so, although through a distance learning platform, so we are sure that the workshop will be also held in 2021, in circumstances which are still uncertain due to the pandemic. Depending on travel possibilities, we will work entirely in person in Pula, or entirely online, or in a hybrid way. We will be flexible and make every endeavour to find the most suitable solution for every participant.

CfP: Préservation de la mémoire du Web en temps de crise

Ce numéro de la revue COSSI (Communication, organisation, société du savoir et information) est placé sous le thème de la préservation de la mémoire du Web en temps de crise. Pour s’assurer que certaines ressources Web restent disponibles sur cet épisode bien exceptionnel de l’histoire, les intervenants sont invités à s’interroger sur les modalités de constitution, de préservation et d’accessibilité d’un corpus d’archives Web pour documenter l’actuelle crise sanitaire. Des retours d’expérience, des témoignages, des bilans de projets sont également souhaités.

CfP: Perspectives croisées sur les migrations transnationales : une approche interdisciplinaire

Le colloque aura lieu les 2 et 3 juin.


Ce colloque pour jeunes chercheur∙euse∙s est organisé par les étudiant∙e∙s du master Erasmus Mundus intitulé Migrations transnationales (MITRA) qui interviendront pour présenter leurs travaux de recherches en cours. Cependant, il reste ouvert aux communications extérieures afin de favoriser des échanges riches en perspectives sur une thématique qui nécessite toujours davantage d’éclaircissements.