CfA: Visegrad Scholarship at OSA

For a better and deeper understanding of the interdependent recent history of (the center of) Europe, the International Visegrad Fund offers 15 research fellowship grants annually in the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest on a competitive basis to support scholars who wish to conduct research in the holdings of OSA, and whose current research projects are relevant to the holdings and the given research priorities of the Fund and OSA.


From Cooperativism to Commoning - international conference

We are pleased to invite you to the international conference entitled “From Cooperativism to Commoning. Historical and Contemporary Forms of the Institutions of the Common” which will take place online on November 19th and 20th, 2020. The conference will be held on the Zoom platform. 

The conference is organized by the Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw and Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Polish Academy of Sciences.

CfA: Nazi Forced Labor. History and Aftermath

The third edition of the winter school goes digital. It will provide a forum for educators who want to exchange ideas on methods and teaching practices on the topic of Nazi forced labor and its memory in postwar Europe from a transnational perspective. The winter school will also focus on how educators can use the documents archived at the Arolsen Archives, which comprise among others multi-million page collections of records on forced labor, including the situation of Displaced Persons after liberation.

Racism in History and Context – Part II: Rethinking Health and Power during Times of Crisis

“Racism in History and Context” is a Virtual Panel Series presented by the German Historical Association, the German Historical Institute Washington and its Pacific Regional Office, and the Institute of European Studies at University of California, Berkeley.

A discussion with Manuela Boatcă (University of Freiburg), Teresa Koloma Beck (Bundeswehr University Munich), Monica Muñoz Martinez (University of Texas, Austin), and Kathryn Olivarius (Stanford University)

Moderated by Elisabeth Engel (GHI Washington) and Leti Volpp (University of California, Berkeley)

CfP: Journal of Modern Slavery: "Forced migration and modern slavery: unplanned journeys of exploitation and survival"

The concept of modern slavery covers many forms of abuse. In addition to customary understandings of slavery, the term has been used to describe unfree practices including: servitude and forced or compulsory labour; sexual exploitation; organ removal; securing services by force, threats or deception; and securing services from children and vulnerable persons.

Con i partigiani in Montenegro. Ricordi di una missione della Centrale sanitaria svizzera (1944-45), by Elio Canevascini

La Fondazione Pellegrini Canevascini inaugura la sua collana online pubblicando Con i partigiani in Montenegro. Ricordi di una missione della Centrale sanitaria svizzera (1944-45) di Elio Canevascini, a cura di Danilo Baratti, Patrizia Candolfi e Renato Simoni.