CfA: PhD. Fellowship Total Liberation’: Feminism, Socialism and Red Rag (1972-1980)
The School of Arts, Languages and Cultures at the University of Manchester and the People's History Museum (PHM) are offering a fully-funded PhD opportunity, ‘Total Liberation’: Feminism, Socialism and Red Rag (1972-1980), starting 1 October and running for 3.5 years.
CfP: Gendering Fascism
Both gender and fascism are not separate and isolated phenomena but are deeply intertwined, so much so that one cannot be fully undone without undoing the other. “Gendering fascism” therefore denotes a paradigmatic lens through which we explore the genesis, configurations, strategies and technologies of fascist imaginaries.
CfP: Humanitarian Organizations: (Hi)Stories, Impact and Challenges
GIRES, the Global Institute for Research, Education & Scholarship creates a welcoming space for discussion and exploration of the rich history of the humanitarian organizations and their work during times of distress.
Off the Radar: Periodical Print Media Outside Mainstream Culture, 1800 – Today
Postgraduate Conference in Comparative Literature and Culture, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
The conference will take place online. Please send an email to receive an invitation. []
Building Bridges: Activists and Cultural Researchers in Conversation
Looking beyond scholarship and academia, the online workshop "Building Bridges: Activists and Cultural Researchers in Conversation" aims to foster a dialogue between scholars and organizations working at the interface of the study of culture and social practice, academic discourse and political action.
CfA: Bando Ortaggi per nuove ricerche di storia del lavoro
La SISLav e l’Istoreco Livorno aprono la terza edizione del bando Ortaggi destinato alle opere prime inedite di storia del lavoro.
Éducation populaire et formation des adultes au féminin (XIXe - XXe siècles) : trajectoires biographiques
Éducation populaire et formation des adultes au féminin (XIXe - XXe siècles) : trajectoires biographiques
Clandestino a Parigi. Diario di un comunista italiano nella Francia in guerra (1940-1943)
Presentazione del volume di Celeste Negarville a cura e con un’introduzione di Aldo Agosti (Donzelli Editore, Roma 2020)