Biographies and Politics: Involvement of Jews and People of Jewish Origin in Leftist Movements in 19th and 20th Century Poland

The conference 'Biographies and Politics: The Involvement of Jews and People of Jewish Origin in Leftist Movements in 19th and 20th Century Poland' aims to determine the actual Jewish engagement in leftist movements in Poland in the 19th and 20th centuries from the point of view of their individual ideological choices.

Personal histories, family fortunes, and forming political identities will be analyzed using a biographical method. Thus, they will help answer the question of what drove Polish Jews to join leftist organizations.

CfP: Edited volume: Western Hegemonies and their Contestations

The present call of paper sollicits chapter proposals to complete a peer-reviewed collection of original research papers on the topic “Western Hegemonies and their Contestations”. This collection is inspired from the international and multidisciplinary conference “The End of Western Hegemonies ?” held in Jyväskylä, Finland, in June 2019, organized by The West Network. The proposed chapters must fall within one of the following categories:

CfP: « Engels Actuel ». Colloque à l'occasion du bicentenaire de Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)

Le parcours et l'œuvre de Friedrich Engels demeurent encore souvent dans l'ombre de Karl Marx. L'ambition de ce colloque pluridisciplinaire, organisé les 30 novembre et 1er décembre 2020 à l'université de Strasbourg à l'occasion du bicentenaire de sa naissance, est de rompre avec les idées reçues sur Engels en mobilisant les acquis de la recherche récente en sciences humaines et sociales, afin de projeter sur sa vie et ses travaux une lumière nouvelle.


CfP: Colonisations, revolutions, and reinventions in early America and the Atlantic World (1492-1848)

The 8th Biannual conference of the European Early American Studies Association invites established scholars, post-doctoral students and graduate students to re-examine the fundamental concept of Atlantic history in light of current research on the themes of colonisations, revolutions, and reinventions, from 1492 to 1848. It is also an opportunity to examine the history of transformations in early America and, broadly, the early modern world, by taking fuller account of scholarship on the politics of primitive globalisation.

La CGT, 1975-1995. Un syndicalisme à l'épreuve des crises

Chères et chers collègues,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la publication du livre La CGT, 1975-1995. Un syndicalisme à l'épreuve des crises. Cet ouvrage collectif, codirigé par Elyane Bressol, Sophie Béroud, Jérôme Pélisse et Michel Pigenet, réunit les contributions d'une quarantaine de chercheurs et de syndicalistes et propose une étude inédite sur la CGT d’une période particulièrement difficile pour le mouvement syndical français.

Bien cordialement