¿Quién quiso la guerra civil? Historia de una conspiración, de Ángel Viñas

El Grupo de Estudios sobre la Historia Contemporánea de Extremadura anuncia la presentación del libro de Ángel VIÑAS: ¿Quién quiso la guerra civil? Historia de una conspiración,

Cáceres, 19 de noviembre de 2019.

Información sobre este libro en el siguiente enlace:


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CfP: Con-IH 20 Global and International History: Labor and Discipline from a Global Perspective

Con-IH 20 Global and International History
Labor and Discipline from a Global Perspective
Harvard University
April 2nd and 3rd, 2020
The organizing committee for the Harvard Graduate Student Conference on International History (Con-IH) invites graduate students to submit proposals for its twentieth annual conference. This year’s theme is Labor and Discipline from a Global Perspective. The conference will take place at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts on April 2nd and 3rd, 2020.


CfP: 44th Annual Conference of the Social History Society

Lancaster University, 29 June – 1 July 2020

The annual conference of the Social History Society is the largest gathering of social and cultural historians in the UK. For more than four decades, our members have transformed historical research, exploring the many ways in which our social worlds are made, imagined, shared and shattered. We are delighted to be returning to Lancaster University, which was the intellectual home of many of the society’s founding members, in 2020.