CfP: #MariellePresente - Transnational Resistances

The Gender and Diversity Journal, a feminist and queer review from the northeastern region of Brazil, invites everyone to submit articles, essays, interviews, field journals, reports and other texts for the special issue entitled "#MariellePresente: Transnational Resistances". The texts must describe and analyze the transnational responses following the assassination of the Brazilian Marielle Franco. She was a black woman from the favela, political activist, feminist and lesbian. She was murdered at the corner of a street in Rio de Janeiro in March 2018.

CfA: Lecturer in Modern History, University of York


The Department of History seeks to appoint a Lecturer in Modern History, with research and teaching interests in 19th and 20th century European (non-UK) History. We welcome applications involving interdisciplinary approaches and novel methodologies, with a preference for applicants working on one or more of the following: gender history; environmental history; the histories of European Empires in Asia, Africa, South America and the Caribbean; transnational histories.

Nous, saisonniers, saisonnières… Genève 1931-2019

Nous, saisonniers, saisonnières… Genève 1931-2019
      Noi, lavoratori e lavoratrici stagionali… Ginevra 1931-2019
            Nosotros, temporeros, temporeras… Ginebra 1931-2019
                  Nós, trabalhadores temporários e temporárias… Genebra 1931-2019
                        Ne, punëtoret dhe punëtorët sezonalë… Gjenevë 1931-2019
                               Mi, sezonski radnici, sezonske radnice… Ženeva 1931-2019



29 octobre 2019 à 18h00

Le Commun, rue des Bains 28, 1205 Genève


Jewish, French or Transnational? East European Jews in the Résistance

Am Donnertag, den 14. November 2019 lädt das Leibniz-Institut für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur – Simon Dubnow (DI) gemeinsam mit der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung zur 20. Simon-Dubnow-Vorlesung in den Saal der Alten Handelsbörse in Leipzig ein. Frau Prof. Dr. Renée Poznanski spricht um 18:00 Uhr unter dem Titel »Jewish, French or Transnational?« über osteuropäische Juden in der Résistance.