CfP: Radicalism and Resistance in Modern Jewish History. Sixth Junior Scholars Conference in Jewish History

We invite proposals for papers to be presented at the Sixth Junior Scholars Conference in Jewish History, to take place at the Institute of the History of German Jews in Hamburg in September 2019. We seek proposals specifically from postdoctoral scholars, recent PhDs as well as those in the final stages of their dissertations. The aim of the conference is to bring together a small transatlantic group of junior scholars to explore new research and questions in 19th- and 20th-century Jewish history, contextualized with work on people from other backgrounds.

CfP: Politics of e-Heritage: Production and regulation of digital memory in Eastern Europe and Russia

Politics of Digital Humanities in Eastern European Studies – Workshop series

Politics of e-Heritage: Production and regulation of digital memory in Eastern Europe and Russia 

Second joint workshop between the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe, the Aleksanteri Institute – University of Helsinki and CEES University of Glasgow

Venue: Marburg, Germany 

CfP: (Re)thinking Socialism. Knowledge, memory and oblivion of the socialist past

Thirty years after the end of state socialism, the need to fully comprehend it is still an immediate task. Over the past three decades, the dominant public discourse of the previous historical period has undergone significant changes: from a firm rejection in the first years of the transition to the latest wave of rehabilitation of the regime and nostalgia (socialist nostalgia, Ostalgie, Yugo/Tito-nostalgia). To varying degrees, post-socialist societies in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe are still divided in their attitudes to the recent past.

Femmes au travail : quelles archives visuelles ?

Nous sommes heureuses de vous annoncer la publication en ligne du numéro double 6/7 de la Revue Image du travail/Travail des images : Femmes au travail : quelles archives visuelles ?

 - Ce numéro sera officiellement présenté à Poitiers le mardi 12 février de 10h30 à 12h30, dans le cadre du festival Filmer le travail, Espace Mendès-France, Planétarium.