CfP: Les migrations africaines. Regards croisés sur un phénomène ambivalent : entre menaces et opportunités

La mobilité humaine est un phénomène aussi vieux que le monde. La migration étant l’une des dimensions de la mobilité, l'être humain a de tout temps migré. D'abord, parce qu'il était nomade et se déplaçait pour trouver sa nourriture. Ensuite, après la découverte de l'agriculture, il part à la recherche de meilleures terres ou de partenaires pour faire du commerce. Aujourd’hui, les flux migratoires actualisent et pérennisent des échanges marqués par l'ancienneté et la permanence (BENSAÂD ALI, 2002). En 2015, l’on dénombre plus 740 millions de déplacés dans le monde.

CfA: (Inter)nationale Frauenkongresse – Zusammenarbeit, Abgrenzung und öffentliche Wahrnehmung

Im Sommer 1904 trafen sich in der Berliner Philharmonie einige hundert Delegierte aus den sechzehn Mitgliedsländern des Internationalen Frauenbundes (International Council of Women, ICW). In zwanzig verschiedenen Sektionen diskutierten sie Fragen der Frauenbildung, der rechtlichen Stellung von Frauen, der weiblichen Berufstätigkeit sowie das weite Feld ihres sozialen Engagements.

CfP: Biographies and Politics: Involvement of Jews and Activists of Jewish Origin in Leftist Movements in 19th and 20th Century Poland

The involvement of the Jews of Poland in leftist political movements in 19th- and 20th-century Poland is a complex and challenging topic. Bundism or Labor Zionism openly combined Jewishness with leftist ideology. The situation is more complicated with actors of Jewish background in non-Jewish organizations, who at least partly did not consider themselves to be Jewish but were regarded as such by others. On another level, we cannot speak unequivocally about “Polish Jews” or “Poland” in the imperial era of the long nineteenth century, as other affiliations were also possible.

CfP: A minor history? The Western communists, anti-imperialism and decolonisation in Africa

Recent years have seen a proliferation of studies on the relations between the communist movement and anti-colonial liberation movements, on the encounters between the ‘socialist camp’ and the Third World, and more generally on communism’s influence on decolonisation and the formation of the postcolonial world. These studies have adopted global- and international-history perspectives which are ever less confined to the classic themes of debates within the Comintern or Soviet strategies during the Cold War.

CfP: Labouring Lives and Political Protest Across and Beyond the Nordic Countries

Call for Papers:

Nordic Labour History Conference, The Workers Museum, Copenhagen, November 26-29, 2020

Nordic Labour Film Festival, Cinemateket, Copenhagen, November 25-29, 2020


Deadlines for submissions and notifications:

• Session proposals: October 1, 2019

• Individual papers: November 15, 2019

• Film proposals: August 15, 2020

• Notification of whether your session proposal have been accepted: December 1, 2019
