Politics in the Marketplace. Work, Gender, and Citizenship in Revolutionary France

One of the most dramatic images of the French Revolution is of Parisian market women sloshing through mud and dragging cannons as they marched on Versailles and returned with bread and the king. These market women, the Dames des Halles, sold essential foodstuffs to the residents of the capital but, equally important, through their political and economic engagement, held great revolutionary influence.

Sozialismus als Erfahrung und Erinnerung. Junge Forschung im etablierten Feld

Das Doktorand_innenforum ist eine jährliche wissenschaftliche Tagung zu aktuellen Themen der Zeitgeschichte, die Nachwuchswissen-schaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftlern die Möglichkeit bietet, ihre Promotionsvorhaben am ZZF vorzustellen und zu diskutieren. Die Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden des ZZF übernehmen die thematische Konzeption und die Organisation der Konferenzen.

Organisation des 16. Potsdamer Doktorand_innenforums: 
Christopher Banditt, Nikolai Okunew, Henrike Voigtländer (Doktorand_innen am ZZF Potsdam)

Social Histories of Revolution: the long 1960s

Social Histories of Revolution: the Long 1960s explores the spirit of an era of extraordinary global upheaval, from the perspectives of those whose marches, strikes and movements shook the world. It follows a highly successful series in 2017, Social Histories 1917, which took a similar approach to mark the centenary of the Russian Revolution. (The recordings are available at https://socialhistories1917.wordpress.com/recordings-past-talks/)