The social history of black populations in France / Histoire sociale des populations noires en France

Depuis plusieurs années, des  travaux étudient les formes de racialisation subies, ou revendiquées par certains groupes dans la société française, en particulier par les populations noires. Ils invitent également à analyser les usages sociaux de la notion de race – entendue comme un fait social et non biologique – en France et ils interrogent de façon générale la place à accorder à la « question raciale » dans l’historiographie française. Quelle histoire sociale des populations noires ces travaux permettent-ils de construire ?

CfP: Planetary Utopias, Capitalist Dystopias: Justice, Nature & the Liberation of Life. Fifth annual conference of the World-Ecology Research Network

Planetary Utopias, Capitalist Dystopias:  Justice, Nature & the Liberation of Life
Fifth annual conference of the World-Ecology Research Network

San Francisco
May 30-31, June 1, 2019
California Institute of Integral Studies Department of Anthropology and Social Change

The Past, Present and Future of Protest: The Peterloo Massacre 200 years on

People’s History Museum (PHM) in Manchester is commemorating the bicentenary of the Peterloo Massacre, a monumental event in the city’s history, and a defining moment for Britain’s democracy.  It will do this through a programme of exhibitions, events and learning sessions that will explore the past, present and future of protest.

The political philosophy of Rosa Luxemburg. A critical assessment

Conference organizers:

Christian Neuhäuser (TU Dortmund University), Gabriel Wollner (University of Bayreuth), Lea Ypi (London School of Economics), Nicholas Vrousalis (Universiteit Leiden), Robin Celikates (Universiteit van Amsterdam).

In cooperation with Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.


Academic Programme

Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin, Wallotstr.14, 14193 Berlin

10th-11th of January 2019


Thursday, January 10th

CfP: Histories of Migration: Transatlantic and Global Perspectives

GHI West, the Pacific Regional Office of the German Historical Institute Washington DC invites proposals for papers to be presented at the 3rd Bucerius Young Scholars Forum to be held at UC Berkeley, October 21-23, 2019. We seek proposals from post-doctoral scholars, recent PhDs, as well as those in the final stages of their dissertations with a background in history and/or related fields.