Peterloo, 1819-2019

The People’s History Museum, Manchester
Saturday 18th May 2019

10.45: Arrive
11.00: Welcome
11.15 – 1.00: Papers 1, 2 & 3

Dr Janette Martin (University of Manchester/The John Rylands Library) and Mike Powell (PHM)
Sources for Peterloo and the Manchester Histories Festival

Professor Robert Poole (UCLAN)
Peterloo: a Manchester event

Professor John Belchem (University of Liverpool)
“Orator” Hunt, radical mobilisation and the Peterloo massacre

Anatomy of change in an oil-monarchy. Immigration, reforms and social transformation in Saudi Arabia (1991-2018)

This article explores the evolution of the State and of State-society relations in Saudi Arabia in the wake of the Arab Springs. Besides the harsh repression and buy-out of political opponents, Saudi governments also crafted social reforms to address the structural causes of potential mass popular uprising.

Certamen literario: "Leer en la Segunda República"

La Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero, en colaboración con el Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, la Universidad de Alcalá y el Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de Henares, convoca el certamen literario “Leer en la Segunda República”, con el objetivo de promocionar la lectura y la escritura sobre los cambios acaecidos en la sociedad española durante la Segunda República en materia de alfabetización y cultura literaria.


El concurso se regirá por las siguientes bases:


CfA: Centre for Social Change, Johannesburg University: Post-doctoral research fellowships and doctoral bursaries

The Centre for Social Change, University of Johannesburg, is advertising for Post-doctoral research fellows and doctoral candidates. Details attached and below, please circulate widely in your networks.

Post-doctoral research fellows
We welcome candidates from a range of disciplines that conduct research on social movements, labour movements, protests and uprisings in Africa. The successful candidate will be part of an academic community that is driving a research agenda focused on producing scholarship that will contribute to the decolonisation of social movement studies.

Labour, Unions and Politics under the North Star: The Nordic Countries, 1700-2000

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden today all enjoy a reputation for strong labour movements, which in turn are widely seen as part of a distinctive regional approach to politics, collective bargaining and welfare. But as this volume demonstrates, narratives of the so-called “Nordic model” can obscure the fact that experiences of work and the fortunes of organized labour have varied widely throughout the region and across different historical periods.