CfA: Edited Volume on Transnational Communism across the Americas
How rooted were Latin American communists in the national versus the international and did this relationship change over time?
How rooted were Latin American communists in the national versus the international and did this relationship change over time?
All Souls College, Oxford
15–16 April 2019
lunedì 1 Aprile | 09.30 - 14.00
Convegno a cura di Fondazione Vera Nocentini, Ismel, Fondazione Istituto piemontese A. Gramsci, Istituto di Studi Storici G. Salvemini e Quaderni di rassegna sindacale.
Un nouveau numéro des Cahiers est sorti et il parle d’Algérie! « Communisme en Algérie/ Communisme algérien» dossier du n° 140 des Cahiers avec des articles de Eloïse Dreure, Alain Ruscio, Pierre-Jean Le Foll-Luciani, Allison Drew, des retours sur des actions par Gilles Manceron, Fabrice Riceputi, Alain Ruscio, Pierre-Jean Le Foll-Luciani
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Hernán Díaz (coord).
P. Muñoz, W. Koppmann, S. Asquini, L. Glasman, C. Aquino
Desde que el movimiento obrero empezó a organizarse, el poder recurrió de manera sistemática al espionaje, la delación y la infiltración, utilizando agentes e informantes para conocer y prevenir los levantamientos sociales.
Los socialistas han sido determinantes en la historia de España en los últimos 140 años. Tanto los socialistas como los ugetistas, mujeres y hombres de izquierdas, militantes o representantes institucionales del PSOE y de la UGT tienen un lugar propio, también, en la historia de La Rioja.
This network is concerned with using digital technologies to study the past. It has a particular emphasis on the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Spatial History but all IT-based approaches are welcome. The network welcomes papers that are concerned with digital sources, methodologies and applied scholarship.
Heritage project about diamond workers
Since the end of 2018, a new project has been running at Amsab-ISG on the history of diamond work in the Netherlands, Belgium and France.