CfP: Migration and the European City. Social and Cultural Perspectives from Early Modernity to the Present

MIGRATION AND THE EUROPEAN CITY. Social and Cultural Perspectives from Early Modernity to the Present

Italian-German Historical Institute – Trent / Italy, 18 –20 September 2019

Scientific Committee: Christoph Cornelissen (Frankfurt-Trent), Beat Kümin (Warwick), Massimo Rospocher (Trent)

“Simonetta Ortaggi” award for outstanding PhD dissertations in the field of Labour History

SISLav and Istoreco Livorno are inviting applications to the second edition of the “Simonetta Ortaggi” award for outstanding PhD dissertations in the field of Labour History. Simonetta Ortaggi (1944-1999) was a historian and researcher, author of some of the most important contributions to Italian Labour History.

CfP: Workshop Politics from below

Protests and social movements are fuzzy objects to study. Scholars face a lack of clear boundaries, diversity-by-definition, and -often dramatic- changes over time. The field of social movement studies holds particular challenges to researchers with a view to getting the research design straight and becoming clear about the restrictions of an argument. These challenges contrast with the conditions of scientific production: the lion’s share of research on social movements and protests is realized in individual post-graduate projects.

CfP: FeltrinelliCamp 2019. Rethinking Capitalism: from globalization to humanization

Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli is one of the major European centres of research and documentation in the fields of history, political science, economics and social scien-ces, with particular emphasis on the history of ideas, political cultures and democratic movements in the framework of globalization related phenomena. In recent years, Fon-dazione Feltrinelli has established fruitful collaborations with numerous research centres of excellence all over the world (e.g.