Martin Thomas: Violence and Colonial Order. Police, Workers and Protest in the European Colonial Empires, 1918-1940

Thomas, Martin: Violence and Colonial Order. Police, Workers and Protest in the European Colonial Empires, 1918-1940 (= Critical Perspectives on Empire). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. ISBN 978-0-521-76841-2; 536 S.; EUR 89,83.

Rezensiert für den Arbeitskreis Historische Friedensforschung bei H-Soz-u-Kult von:

Moritz Feichtinger, Universität Bern
E-Mail: <>

Global Impact of Slave Trade and Slavery: A Comparative Approach, World Economic History Conference 2015

This session will answer how freedom and slavery have contributed to the making of the modern world. One of the main questions in present day historiography is the role of slavery and slave trade in early modern globalization, world trade, development of modern labour regimes, migration and global economic divergence. Recent scholarship has begun to excavate the different histories of slavery across the globe. Beyond the Atlantic, new insights are being developed into the widespread character of slavery in the Mediterranean, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia.

Scoláire Staire - issue on the Dublin Lockout of 1913

Scoláire Staire
The Free Online Irish History Magazine
Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2013

Lockout 1913
A Special Issue on labour and class history to mark the centenary of Ireland’s best known industrial dispute


'Cork and the 1913 Lockout' - John O'Donovan
'Living in Plato's Cave: Class History in Ireland' - David Convery
Interview with Padraig Yeates, author of Lockout: Dublin 1913.
'Representing Class on Television' - David Toms
'PhD Diary' - Shay Kinsella

Luddite Memorial Lecture

Huddersfield Local History Society and the University of Huddersfield would like to invite you to the inaugural Luddite Memorial Lecture on Thursday 16 Jan 2014 at 7.30pm (refreshments from 7pm) , Canalside East CEG/28

Dr Matthew Roberts (Sheffield Hallam University) will be speaking on

'Luddism through the Chartist-Looking Glass: Shirley and the Modernisation of Popular Protest'.

If you would like to attend this event please rsvp

North American revolutionary journals digitized

The Marxists Internet Archive, Holt Labor Library and the Riazanov Library Project have completed another set of digitization of important journals published by North America revolutionary orgnizations:

The Agitator/The Syndicalist (1910 – 1913), the journal of the Syndicalist League of North America before WWI, it was William Z. Foster's first organization in the working class and represented the transplant of France's revolutionary syndicalism to the United States.

New issue of TSEG, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis

In 'The Dutch State as a Pimp', an (English-language) research article in the new issue of TSEG 10 (2013) 3, the history of the largest open-air brothel in the world, Campo Alegre on the Caribbean-Dutch island Curaçao is unfolded. Dutch authorities started this state brothel in 1949 in an attempt to stop the spread of venereal diseases.