Early American Marxism website (Update 13-28)

Early American Marxism website

New Files update #13-28
December 1, 2013.

Five new files. A short anti-war piece by Socialist Party leader Gene Debs from 1917 opens this week's material. Also included are three more graphic pdfs of full issues of The Proletarian from 1921 and another of an ultra-rare polemic pamphlet from 1931 offering a glimpse at the Third Period factional warfare between the Communists and Socialists in the Finnish Cooperative movement in the Upper Midwest.

Alexander Herzen back in Moscow

In the brandnew Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow, a highlight from the collections of the IISH is on show: the manuscript of the memoirs of the Russian writer and advocate of freedom of speech Alexander Herzen (1812-1870), Byloe i dumy (English-language edition My Past and Thoughts, the Memoirs of Alexander Herzen). Herzen left his fatherland in 1847 to fight a propaganda war against the Tsarist regime and the restrictions to freedom of speech in Russia.

Neu im Archiv: Das Russlandschweizer-Archiv

Ende der 1970er Jahre startete die Osteuropa-Abteilung des Historischen Seminars der Universität Zürich unter der Leitung von Prof. Carsten Goehrke das Forschungsprojekt "Auswanderung aus der Schweiz in das Zarenreich". Neben zahlreichen Studien zu kantons- und berufsspezifischen Aspekten der Russlandwanderung haben die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Lehrstuhls für Osteuropäische Geschichte eine Datenbank mit Angaben zu fast 4'000 Berufstätigen erstellt, systematisch Materialien gesammelt, Tonbandinterviews mit Rückwanderern geführt und eigene Forschungsarbeiten vorangetrieben.

Legacies of British Slave Ownership

From the Reading Room – Legacies of British Slave Ownership
Posted on November 25, 2013 by Charles Harrowell

The collections of Senate House Library are rich with regard to published and manuscript material slavery and plantation life – especially in the Caribbean. Archival resources related to slavery are outlined here. One of the most important collections are the papers of the Newton Estate in Barbados -MS523.

Hannah Young – a PhD student has been reading a range of material from the papers and I asked her how she was using this archive;