North West Labour History Society, Conference on Women's History

Conf. Ann: North West Labour History Society, Conference on Women's History, Manchester, 23/11

The North West Labour History Society is holding a conference on 23 November in Manchester, England on the theme of women's history.

There will be speakers on women and music, trade unionism, political activism and feminism and socialism.

More details; .

[Cross-posted, with thanks, from H-Labor]


ámbitos - Boletín Digital de Actividades Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero

número 74 - octubre 2013

Actividades Culturales

Exposición conmemorativa del 125 aniversario de UGT. 1888-2013: Una historia de lucha y logros

Cursos y Seminarios

Mesa redonda "El regreso de la segunda generación del exilio político: exiliados y descendientes en las organizaciones socialistas"

Plataforma por la Comisión de la Verdad

Encuentro estatal de la Plataforma por una Comisión de la Verdad


Tareas técnicas

Donaciones y transferencias

Le Mouvement Social No. 244, 2013 : Varia

Politiques sociales et marché(s). Filiations et variations d'un registre transnational d'action, du BIT des années 1920 à la construction européenne et à la Chine contemporaine
Thomas Cayet et Paul-André Rosental
Page 3 à 16 

Du BIT à la politique sociale européenne : les origines d'un modèle
Lorenzo Mechi
Page 17 à 30 

La sécurité sociale au péril du vieillissement. Les organisations internationales et l'alarmisme démographique (1975-1995)
Matthieu Leimgruber
Page 31 à 45 

Social History Society Bulletin

Bulletin 27 October

1. Local Population Studies Society, Autumn Conference 2013, Lancaster University, Saturday 16th November 2013, Immigrant Communities in Britain

2. Social History of shopgirls 1860-1960s, BBC Two series, help needed.

3. History after Hobsbawm - 29 April - 1 May 2014, Senate House, London

4. Call for Papers: 21st Annual Conference of the West of England and South Wales Women’s History Network: GENDER, GENERATION AND THE BODY

5. AHRC-funded workshop ‘Labour Behind the Label: Working With Textiles’

IISH - Annual Report 2012

The annual report 2012 of the International Institute of Social History is now available online.

In the history of the IISH, 2012 will go on record for the rather drastic change of course during that year.

Previous annual reports had already suggested that the Institute was in trouble. One problem was the rapidly deteriorating financial situation, which in 2012 culminated in an ongoing annual deficit exceeding half a million euros.

Débat sur les guerres balkaniques et l’attitude de Jaurès

Le CERMTRI vous invite à une Conférence - débat sur les guerres balkaniques et l’attitude de Jaurès face à elles, avec Jean-Jacques Marie et Claude Dupont, auteur de "Jaurès, ce que dit un philosophe à la cité".

Samedi 23 novembre 2013 de 14 h 15 à 17 h 45

Au Centre d’Histoire Sociale
9, rue Mahler - 75 004 – Paris- (métro Saint-Paul) Amphithéâtre Dupuis – 1er sous-sol