CfP: Unfreedom in the Premodern World: Comparative Perspectives on Slavery, Servitude & Captivity

The global history of slavery and dependency has flourished in recent years, as scholars have deployed new theories and methodologies to explore the varieties of unfreedom across a range of regions and societies. Studies of the premodern period have been part of this expansion, revealing nuanced analyses of how unfreedom intersected with gender roles, labour patterns, economic networks and religious values before the growth of the early modern trans-Atlantic slave trade.

CfP: Historia global del maoísmo en América Latina y el Caribe







Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia)

Centro de Estudios de Historia Política, UNSAM (Argentina)

Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, UMSNH (México)



Abril 25 y 26 de 2022

Bogotá-Colombia (Universidad Distrital)

Modalidad virtual y presencial


CfP: Pouvoir social et frontières raciales (post)coloniales Mondes indiens, arabes et occidentaux en Afrique

Ce dossier s’intéresse à la présence ancienne et renouvelée de réseaux d’acteurs liés aux sous- continents indien, arabe, européen et nord-américain en Afrique. De par leur historicité et leurs spécificités, ces réseaux peuvent constituer des « analyseurs » des sociétés locales.

CfP: Producing Historiography in a Changing World

The scientific conference will treat the material and cultural practices of historians of the 20th and 21st century. More precisely, it will explore the following elements: The library of the historian as a research object; Visualisation and digital reconstruction, analogue/machine-based reading; Anthropology of historiographical work; National/European historiography.

The scientific conference will treat the material and cultural practices of historians. More precisely, it will explore the following elements: